Egor Z. Status: Offline
100% Job Success

Full stack web developer (React, Node.js)

Hello! My name is Egor and I'm a full-stack developer with 6 years of experience. My idea is to help people with their web projects. I have developed around 10 successful projects which help my customers to make the world a little bit better. I would be so happy if I can help you with the same goal. As a full stack developer, I can help you with the following things. - Develop from scratch or improve your client web application - Develop from scratch or improve your server application - Write unit or integration tests for your server application. I'm familiar with following technologies. - JavaScript and front-end framework Angular 2+ or library React.js and their ecosystems (such as rxjs or typescript for angular or redux for react) - JavaScript environment for server applications Node.js and framework for it such as Express.js or Fastify - JavaScript frameworks for testing: Karma, Jamine, Jest. Also, I would like to tell you something about my goals. As I think one of the most important things I have done it is to develop PWA. It had helped our users to have better UX and make their life easier because of offline mode. With these technologies we can display content to the user in a browser without the internet connection and also portate our web site to their phones as a native app. As I said before I want to help develop your awesome application! Feel free to contact me at day and night!
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  • SQL
  • Jasmine
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • NestJS
  • Mocha Framework
  • Jest

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