joan l.

Web developer , CRM Developer , Asp.Net , Microsoft Certified

Experienced on quality and performant web software application. 7 years hands on programming and now capable of managing large applications in different fields . Offering professional work and perfect time for every project based on my knowledge and by professional associates ,with more than 7 years of programing experience ,passionate and experienced in specific field to complete every single part of a web application in perfection.We take care of every functionality in detail to be smooth ,simple and accurate for user experience .We take care for web design to be smooth , responsive in every device , and accurate until pixel perfection.We offer clean code with great and latest architecture, understandable and reusable to maintain even big organizations business logic and a lot of user traffic. To sum up we are focus to chose and build what is best for someone that want to develop a web application based on what he needs, giving him security , performance , success , support , smooth functionality and perfect design for human eye .
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  • Database Management
  • Leadership Skills
  • Database Architecture
  • Software Configuration Management
  • Software Architecture & Design

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