Stephen H.
100% Job Success

SBIR Proposal Writer | Proven Success Rate | PhD | Tech CEO

As the former CEO of an SBIR-funded sensor consulting/manufacturing business, I have over 10 years of experience in personally writing, reviewing, and winning SBIR/STTR and other proposals. I have written many proposals for SBIR/STTR Phase I and Phase II - DARPA, NASA, Navy, Army, Air Force, DOE, NSF, NIH, and EPA with a proven track record of success (40% SBIR Phase 1 win rate, 60% SBIR Phase II win rate, helping to secure over $4.8M in awarded grants and contracts). I hold a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida, where I focused on microsensor development, leading to 20 years of academic/industry R&D and engineering experience. Through these efforts, I’ve honed my communication, interpersonal, and organizational/leadership skills, and developed an ability to quickly adapt to new scientific areas. As a result, you will find I can quickly come up to speed sufficiently in your particular area, to be able to write intelligently about your technologies and help position them and market them effectively to any government agencies. In early 2020, I founded Satori Scientific, an engineering and technical proposal writing consulting firm. Satori Scientific is now actively engaged with customers via Upwork, providing engineering consulting and SBIR proposal writing services. I can write across all scientific areas, with emphasis in engineering. Because I have expertise in sensor development and sensors interface with so many areas, I have wide exposure to electrical, mechanical, bio/chem, medical, optical, agricultural, acoustics, fluids, data, AI, software, etc. I expect you will find my efforts worthwhile and efficient. For your proposal, I will make sure that the strategy fits the customer, the content is technically accurate and complete, and the format meets all the proposal requirements. You will also find that I am positive, easygoing, energetic, and flexible. My goal is to give you the best chance possible of growing your business through grants.
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  • Modeling
  • Design & Usability Research
  • Sensor
  • Research Proposals

Get started working with Stephen quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Stephen quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a fully prepared pitch to the NSF program

From $1,500
7 days delivery

You will get one hour of expert SBIR consultation

From $150
2 days delivery

You will get a detailed review and feedback on your Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal

From $1,250
5 days delivery

You will get a high-quality full-length SBIR proposal to boost your chances of winning

From $8,000
28 days delivery