Raza A.
Next.js, React Native & Node.js Expert | Web & Mobile App Developer
Work history
Full-Stack Developer Needed for Web App Development
Front End Developer - CMC Visual Development
No feedback given
Mobile App - Design Development
Health, Fitness and Diet App
I am looking for a mobile app developer
Tutor me in REACT Programming
Build UI for IOS & Android app using React-Native & Expo
React Framework, .Net APIs, SQL Developer
Web Design Needed - Quick Turnaround (10-15 Pages)
Build responsive Wordpress website/platform with booking/payment/and jobs board. API to Stripe
Raza A. has more jobs. Create an account to review them
- Next.js
- React Native
- SaaS Development
- AI Development
- Cloud Application
- FinTech
- AWS Application
- ChatGPT
Project catalog
Get started working with Raza quickly with these predefined projects.
Get started working with Raza quickly with these predefined projects.
You will get Mobile App Development, IOS and android applications
You will get Full Stack Development for your Web Application
You will get Diet and nutrition App Development for Personalized Wellness Solutions
You will get Zoho Expert | Zoho CRM | Zoho Creator | Zoho Management
Endorsements from past clients
"Raza was essential to the successful completion of our unique idea. Much of Raza's value comes from the work that he does when he’s not on the clock. His relentless curiosity and dedication to ongoing education is immediately evident. His expertise saved us time and money, while helping to guide us through a minefield of technical problems. His understanding of highly complex emerging technologies, combined with a lifetime of development experience is remarkable. His passion for mathematics, cryptography, programming and game theory were qualities that proved to be indispensable for building our new protocol. His commitment to superior results and attention to detail inspires confidence and sets him apart from the competition. After working with Raza for over three years and for around 10 "
| Managing Partner
Web Application Development
Nov 2021