Andrew S.

Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer

I have 10+ years of experience as a software engineer, working on various projects using Ruby, Rails, jQuery, Javascript, PHP, WordPress, Drupal, Liquid Templating, Docker, and Google Cloud. I have also contributed to social media, branding and identity, communication, and editing tasks for different clients and organizations. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from The University of Georgia, and I am currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration in Project Management from Capella University. I am passionate about using technology to create a positive social impact and improve the lives of others. I have a knack for explaining technical things well to non-technical stakeholders, and I enjoy collaborating with cross-functional teams and leading small groups of engineers. I have helped to overhaul the SCRUM process, implement new features, and pivot the app strategy for Talk, as well as save 60% on cloud costs. I am always eager to learn new skills, take on new challenges, and make a difference in the world.

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  • SaaS
  • Ruby on Rails
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Vue.js
  • jQuery
  • Database Architecture
  • Business with 1-9 Employees
  • Testing
  • API
  • Database Design

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