Alan V. Status: Offline
CantonUnited States
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Data Scientist

I am an experienced data scientist with a background in artificial intelligence and robot vision. I also do software development for complex scientific applications and algorithm development using artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition, image processing, statistics, and advanced mathematics techniques. I primarily work in R and Perl. I have also worked in Lisp, Prolog, C, C++, Python, and Java. My experience includes related database design and integration for large complex datasets. In addition to independent work, I also manage software development teams. I also have an additional specialty in assisting customers with the development of government proposals. Responsibilities include storyboarding, organizing, writing, editing, formatting, graphics, project planning, budgeting, forms, and proposal team management. Customers vary in size from startups to Fortune 500 companies and proposal scale varies from SBIRs under $100K to over $100M. Experience with funding agencies including: Army, Air Force, DARPA, DOD, DOE, DOT, Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council, NIST, and USPS. Employment: 10 years as an independent consultant Soar Technology (Small Company) NovoDynamics, Inc. (Startup) Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (Non-Profit Research Institute) Education: Ph.D. Electrical Engineering - Purdue University M.S. Electrical Engineering - Pennsylvania State University B.S. Engineering Science - Pennsylvania State University
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  • R
  • Robotics
  • White Paper
  • Proposal Writing
  • Research Proposals
  • Technical Writing