Algene May C. Status: Offline
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Experienced Content Writer, Social Media Marketer and Project Manager

I have been writing articles on my blog and other publications for almost eleven years now. With my years of experience in working online, I met several clients from different parts of the world. Each of them taught me some skills and tips on how to get things done the right way. I have a degree in Bachelor of Science in Management and Accounting. At the same time, I also finished law and is now a Juris Doctor degree holder. As such, I have a background in drafting legal contracts and in performing other law-related tasks. I am also one of the founders of a Digital Influencers group in our local community. I am a people person who can work well with others and communicate with them openly. My previous job experience includes working as a virtual assistant, article writer, social media manager, and SEO expert.
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  • WordPress
  • Social Media Management
  • SEO Writing
  • Article Submission