Maxim Z.
Market Research, Competitive Research, Due diligence, Data mining
Work history
GameFi Market Research 1
GameFi Market Research web3.0 crypto gaming startups
Research contact data for audit firm employees
Web Research on USA court system
Market Research - Education and Real estate
Market research for a mushrooms specialty shop
No feedback given
Conduct market research - customers, competitors, and industry analysis.
Research Wealth Management and Brokerage Firms + Family Of in Portugal and Set Up In-Person Meetings
No feedback given
Market Research in Dating vertical for different languages
No feedback given
Research and consulting
Competitor Pricing Analysis
Job in progress
Total Addressable Market Analysis
Job in progress
Competition research
Job in progress
Mystery Shopper
Job in progress
Industry Snapshot - Restaurant Equipment Repair & Maintenance Service US
Job in progress
Market/Competitor Research & Mystery Shopping
Job in progress
Job in progress
Market Analysis of Pre Revenue Companies
Job in progress
Research and consulting
Job in progress
Maxim Z. has more jobs. Create an account to review them
- Mystery Shopping
- Market Analysis
- Competitive Analysis
- Contact List
- Research Methods
- Company Research
- B2B Lead Generation
- Competitor Research
- SWOT Analysis
- Industry & Competitor Analysis
Endorsements from past clients
"I manage a research team for an M&A advisory firm serving private equity investors. When the active assignments exceeded inhouse capacity, I hired Maxim to create an in-depth industry profile and list of industry participants (USA HQ) on a very tight timeline. Maxim quickly understood the assignment and delivered a thorough analysis of the industry identifying the key data points that would be relevant to us for this project. He substantiated his data by providing information sources he used and helpful and informative tables and charts (EXCEL) that enabled us to quickly understand the industry dynamics. I had trepidations about farming out an important project but Maxim delivered a high quality, professional report on time. I highly recommend Maxim for projects of this type."
Sherri Y.
| Vice President Research
Market Research
May 2023