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GIS Technician | Cartographer | Remote Sensing Analyst | LiDAR Analyst

Hi! This is Ahsan Sarwar, director of Planet Informatics Inc.. I have 5 years of professional experience in GIS & Remote Sensing fields. I have worked as a GIS Technician and Remote Sensing Analyst in 2 private organizations. Currently, I'm working for Punjab Food Authority (provincial government authority) as GIS & Remote Sensing Consultant and heading their GIS & Remote Sensing Section. I am specialized in four key domains: 1) Cartography: Transforming data into visually compelling maps that tell powerful stories. 2) GIS/Spatial Analyses: Harnessing the power of geographic information systems for insightful spatial analysis. 3) Remote Sensing Analyses & Photogrammetry: Utilizing advanced techniques to extract meaningful information from remote sensing data. 4) GIS Trainings & Consultation: Empowering individuals and organizations with the knowledge to leverage GIS effectively. I am eager to bring my skills and the collective expertise of my team to contribute to the success of your projects. I look forward to engage in a detailed discussion with you about your project to achieve the best end-results.
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  • Satellite Image
  • GeoJSON
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Geolocation
  • Cartography
  • Google Earth
  • Lidar
  • Georeferencing
  • Geocoding
  • Python Script

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