Danila L.
Kyiv, Ukraine
Senior C++ Software Engineer
I have 6 years of experience in commercial software development. I have strong knowledge of C, C++, C#, algorithms and data structures, optimizations, 3D graphics rendering and computer architecture.
I am interested in low-level development, rendering, research activities.
My primary stack is C, C++, Embedded, Linux, OpenGL, Vulkan, graphics rendering.
My secondary stack is C#, Unity 3D, WinForms, WPF.
Work history
Work history
Looking for an expert level C++ and OpenGL developer
Jul 10, 2023
Aug 30, 2023
No feedback given
Private earnings
Generate a .dll for unity to get info from serial ports.
Aug 9, 2023
Aug 14, 2023
"Good profesional."
Private earnings
Create Android С++ library called GDPR-S
Aug 13, 2021
Oct 17, 2021
Private earnings
Create Android library (C/C++)
Jul 27, 2021
Aug 19, 2021
Private earnings
Senior C++, OpenGL, CUDA expert for Spectrogram application
Dec 18, 2023
Job in progress
Private earnings
Danila L. has more jobs. Create an account to review them
- Windows Forms
- Standalone Application
- Linux
- Android NDK
- CMake
- Windows NT
- OpenGL ES