Need someone to best convey the tone of your English across to the other side and receive accurate feedback from the Chinese counterpart, and vice versa? Or do you need a published writer to help hone your skills? Someone with business understanding to help you unleash your brainchild into the world or introduce your products into the marketplace?
I can HELP you, and EFFECTIVELY at that!
I am Mark W., based in the United States of America. With almost 40 years' experience under my belt of bilingual writing, translating, interpreting, editing, etc., I had been a reporter for seven years and had various stints at law firms to secure case approvals from U.S. federal government agencies through extensive documentation and rebuttals. Ethnic marketing for businesses and cultural events is also my forte since I am well-versed in Chinese and English while being well-rounded across different fields. On a side note, I was once interviewed by Dan Rather of CBS. Not that I love name-dropping, but that you have the right to know.
With a long career behind me of bilingual writing across genres, I realized early on that, similar in grammatical structure, both Chinese and English have homonyms and synonyms.
But unlike the mostly flat English pronunciation, Chinese characters, mostly distinct from one another, in a varying number of strokes with each carrying a specific tone, sound like music while being strung along in pronunciation.
The two tongues will then rejoin at the proverbial hip as far as the connotation is concerned.
Identical characters may pronounce differently and have different shades of meaning depending on where & how they are said & written in a given situation, which is still just an appetizer to the entire course of Chinese linguistic cuisine.
In comparison, English has its own quirks. Some combo words, belched out low and slow, and spelled out in uppercases with exclamation marks, may sound or look so off base against their respective meanings in the dictionary that collectively they become their antonyms, e.g., Prof.: Positive plus positive must be positives. Student: YEAH! RIGHT!
These are only some of the points to ponder while doing back-and-forth translations, reflecting just one area of my expertise.
Aside from being a trained journalist, translator, interpreter, I am also a marketing specialist, good at most copy or content writings for specific projects, and for most writing jobs in general, be it for reviews, critiques, academic work, market research, and creative writing. Putting money where the mouth is, I used to take deep dives (figuratively speaking), getting hands dirty by running a variety of businesses myself, such as a bookstore, restaurant, health clinic, in addition to my work in law firms and retail establishments.
Having also been deeply rooted in merchandising arena for the past couple of decades, I keenly discern a massive array of commercial know-hows and linguistic tools for products' differentiations, and know the power of a memorable tagline and description for moving the right products down to the POS. I can use different formats and tools, such as video subtitles and/or audio recordings to help people who want to increase online visibility and viability.
With a motto of chasing limitless dreams out of a limited life experience and with a much fuller exposure to almost all aspects of academic, business, or mundane matters, I don't miss much.
Armed with such a mindset at work and with an arsenal of linguistic ammo at my disposal, I am confident that, given a chance, I am capable of turning a project into a promise made and promise kept.
Try me, and you will like me.