Writing/editing expertise, client-focused, with the goal of the right end product at highest quality.
Storytelling is my specialty. A keen eye for grammar, order, and clarity, along with a good sense of story, enables me to deliver artfully-crafted writing at a high quality. From humor to motivation to inspiration, from marketing materials to poetry to children's writing (^:9 , I love creating the right story.
If you're writing your own story, allow me to help you perfect it through review and feedback, collaboration, editing, or proofreading.
NO homework
NO romances (unless entirely wholesome)
NO true ghostwriting. I ask no rights or royalties, only appropriate acknowledgement (by name) for my work
(author, contributing writer, editor, collaborator).
NO books over 35k words; 20k or fewer words preferred.
* Children's writing, fiction/nonfiction, rhymed/unrhymed (wholesome)
* Review/critique, collaboration on, editing or proofreading of your own work
* Adult writing, nonfiction informative or fiction (clean)
* Inspirational/motivational writing
* Technical Editing
* Business communications and brand writing
* Assistance with or editing of CV, application essay, bio, presentation, speech, memoir
* Business communications and brand writing
* Personal: obituary, eulogy, memorial, special occasion poems/speech (birthday, retirement, toast, etc.)
With lifelong interest and varied experiences in writing, I offer my services for your writing or editing assignments. A keen eye for grammar, order, and clarity, along with a good sense of story, enables me to communicate precisely or correct or improve upon your written work.
A native English speaker with a breadth of aptitudes, including writing and poetry, growing up, I majored in engineering at the University of Tennessee and enjoyed a career in computer programming with IBM before taking time away to raise my family. During my ten-year programming career I gained experience in writing user and operations materials, technical papers, and communications. During my children's growing-up years I did a variety of kinds of creative writing just for fun. Between my school and parenting years I won four different creative writing contests and was published in my college literary magazine.
After hanging out my shingle with Upwork I began to do a considerable volume of children's writing, technical editing, and adult nonfiction books. In addition, for Upwork clients I've written poetry, blog posts, poetry in advertising jingles, song lyrics, and items of ESL and ELA curricula. In addition, I've provided ongoing editing for non-native English writers. Known for my painstaking attention to detail and persistent pursuit of excellence, I'm as well suited to the production of precise factual information as to the creation of artfully-crafted story and emotion.
Areas of particular personal interest include:
* Christian life and faith
* children's writing - both fiction and nonfiction, rhymed and unrhymed
* history
* family and parenting
* education and learning differences
* English as a second language (eight years' teaching experience)
* poetry - writing and editing
* personal stories/family projects
* technical / science / computer (editing and sometimes writing)
* curriculum writing and editing - mathematics, computer programming, English
* lyrics
* business names and slogans, marketing communications
* nature, outdoors
* amateur photography, photo book making
I greatly appreciate clients who are willing to honor my conscientious work by arranging an hourly rate.
Willing to negotiate, especially for a bigger job or repeat client. I log only actual work time. I do not log the time spent in communication during a project, and I try not to charge for reasonable revision.
The following is a guide for fixed rates, when necessary.
* Writing one children's story + one revision + one final edit
100 - 500 words: $125 (To produce a well-crafted story in few words takes much time.)
500 - 1000 words: $200
every additional 500 words - +$75
If we are contracting for multiple stories, some discount may be arranged.
* Other writing
Ten cents or more per word, depending on the project. Will I need to do research? Do I need
to write from someone else's work, organizing and reworking it, etc.? What is expected in the way of
revision/final editing?
* Editing
Proofing or Light copy editing: $15 per page
Heavy copyediting / substantive editing: $25 per page
Developmental editing: $10 per page