What’s the only thing worse than not having enough clients for your business/agency?
Spending several hours of effort, money and time setting up a cold-email campaign that brought in zero results and led to your domain getting blacklisted.
Now, imagine if you never had to go through all the hassle again...
While still getting new clients and filling your sales pipeline with prospects…
Imagine just sitting back and watching as new contracts flood in and you have your hands full with opportunity.
This is something I will help you achieve - using COLD EMAIL.
Unfortunately though, more than 95% of cold emails are either sent straight to spam or ignored. Very few people in the world are able to do it right.
After countless hours of crafting campaigns, scanning leads, writing follow-ups, and more, I have finally discovered a system that gets the job done 100% of the time. It is my 4-step T.R.O.I. method.
With the unique T.R.O.I. method, I’m able to get results that appear *impossible* to most email marketers out there. I’m talking about things like:
The exact email-tech-setup you need to bypass ISPs, ESPs and dozens of other email inbox gatekeepers and reach directly to your prospect’s inbox. If you mess this up, your prospect will NEVER even SEE your email, no matter how good the content is…
The 3-sentence-rule that guarantees your prospects NEVER report you as spam. Every time you’re marked as spam, your domain reputation takes a serious hit. Constantly being sent to spam will kill the deliverability of any further emails you plan to send.
The ONE follow-up tactic that puts you on your prospect’s radar. Using this, I’ve had clients that told me they’re not interested at the moment reach out to me 6 months later offering to buy.
And much, much more…
Now, you’ve probably dabbled in cold emails a bit before. Maybe you’ve worked/talked with someone else who did.
While I cannot say much about how your experience was, I can tell you this:
Between 1st and 31st August 2020, I generated an additional $62,500 in combined revenue for my clients. All of this was from NEW business contracts they acquired using cold email.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
People think this is some sort of black magic. The numbers show it to be that way.
But, I’m no magician.
In fact, there’s quite a few situations I cannot help you in:
If you’re doing a low-ticket, B2C offer, I’m not your guy.
If you want to use bulk, hit or miss emails, I’m not your guy.
If you want to send out direct mail to people’s houses, I am definitely not your guy.
However, if you’re selling B2B, have a $2k+ proven offer, and want a pipeline full of prospects competing to get a piece of you (on the phone)...
Then I AM your guy and you absolutely should contact me ASAP.
I can help you with the following:
Optimize your systems for maximum email deliverability.
✔️ Fixing DMARC, DKIM & SPF & other tech-related issues.
✔️ Troubleshooting domain reputation.
✔️ Implementing email best-practices.
Write emails that make your offer shine and lead to client conversions.
✔️ Avg 70%+ open rates
✔️ Avg 15%+ reply rates
✔️ Intelligent follow ups that lead to sales
[Additional service] Find high quality leads
✔️ Trained and trusted VAs to scrape and mine for data
✔️ Using software tools to verify lead quality
Additionally, given my new interest in Upwork, I’m doing something special just for now:
I’m giving you a GUARANTEE:
If within 5 weeks of outreach, you do not see a positive ROI, I will personally refund all my fees. Heck, I’ll even go ahead and refund any software costs you encountered in working with me.
If what I do doesn’t make you money, it is unfair for me to charge you for it.
If you do not get better reply rates, better open rates, better email deliverability and the satisfaction of having made the right choice,
You don’t have to pay anything. Zero-risk for you.
Now, you know what I do. You’ve seen the results I’ve brought in for clients in the past. You’re smart enough to understand what your business needs right now.
What’s going to be more appealing to you?
#1: Do nothing and watch the competition overtake you.
#2: Hire somebody else. Spend hours finding and interviewing people who copy-paste email templates and use have little clue about what they are doing. You end up paying in terms of money, time and opportunity cost.
#3: Let me do the work for you and handle your cold email. I'll research what your clients are itching for and frame your offer in such a way that they will sell themselves on it.
I’ll even go the extra mile to monitor, optimize, test, and iterate over and over based on real time feedback.
If you do decide to go with option #3, shoot me a message right now.
Please note: Most of my work turns into long-term contracts and I acquire the majority of my clients from outside of Upwork. Contact me with your requirements and I will let you know if I have the bandwidth to take on work with you.