Hi, Mr. / Ms. Awesome!
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm Shamim. An honest, punctual, fast-mover, minimalist Full Stack Mobile Application Developer. I'm experienced with building Mobile Applications for Fortune 500 Companies like- Google, Citi Group. Whether you're trying to fix mobile app issues, build ed-tech applications, or even create a whole fintech application- I can help!
▪️I'm an expert on Mobile Application Development in Flutter, Java, Swift.
▪️I'm also experienced with Backend & Server-Side Development in Raw PHP, Laravel, Slim, NodeJs to handle REST APIs & the Cloud Functions
▪️I'll provide full support in Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud Platform, or any Virtual Private Server for your Mobile Application
▪️I’ll fully manage the project according to your brief from start to finish
▪️Regular communication is really important to me, so you'll get all the updates weekly-based during the development period
Experiences in Android Development:
✓ Standard Pack: Retrofit, Glide, ButterKnife, Parceler, IcePick, LeakCanary, Espresso, Rebolectric.
✓ Advanced Pack: Dagger 2, RxJava, EventBus, AndroidAnnotations, Retrolambda.
✓ Networking: Retrofit, Picasso, Ion, Android Async HTTP, Volley, OkHttp, Glide, Fresco, Android Universal Image Loader, Fast Android Networking.
✓ Persistence: DBFlow, RxCache, Realm, Hawk, Poetry, Requery, Room.
✓ Debugging: Stetho, Android Debug Database, Bugfender, Chuck, AnUitor, RxJava2Debug.
✓ Testing: Appium, Detox, Espresso, Calabash, UI Automator, Robotium.
Experiences in Flutter Development:
✓ Widgets: Stateless, Stateful, Accessibility, Inherited, Theming, Localization, Material & Cupertino Style.
✓ Assets: Fonts, Images, SVG, Audio/Video.
✓ Static UI: Row, Column, Stack, Expanded, Container, ConstrainedBox.
✓ Dynamic UI: ListView, GridView, ExpansionTitle.
✓ Animations: AnimatedWidget, AnimatedBuilder, AnimationController, CurvedAnimation, Hero, Opacity.
✓ Storage: Shared Preference, File System, SQLite.
✓ Libraries: http, dio, getX, cached_network_image, flutter_webview_plugin, rxdart, bloc_pattern.
✓ Behavior Components: Permission, Local Notification, Push Notification, Download Manager, Media Playback, Preference.
✓ State Management: setState, Provider, Redux, BLoC, MobX.
✓ Quality Assurance: Crashlytics, App Distribution, Analytics, Google Play beta tests, TestFlight, App Center.
✓ Firebase: Firebase Auth, Firebase Database, Firebase Storage, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Firestore.
✓ Cloud Functions, Map & Place Related APIs.
✓ Streaming: Agora.io, Stream.io.
I'm also a Machine Learning & AR/VR enthusiast. I have a BSc & an MSc in Computer Science & Engineering.
I love Cats! I will get a Cat once I have a home and not renting.
And, my favorite quote is, "You are never wrong to do the right thing by Mark Twain".
I'm strongly interested to know about YOU & the IDEA of yours, so let's keep in touch!