I am a Senior Frontend Engineer with a Javascript/Typescript stack. When it comes to work and skills, I can freely say that I am "in love with Code Architecture." I am extremely dedicated to the work I do, and I truly enjoy finding various coding solutions. What may be tedious and perhaps insignificant to most is always important to me because every part of programming ultimately leads to successful product development. I find my passion in exploring new programming languages and better coding solutions. I am open to learning new technologies, tools, and their applications with a deeper analysis.
Courageous, patient, cheerful, and responsible are four qualities that describe me professionally, and for everything else, you need to get to know me more.
I love and seek a good working atmosphere because it contributes to the ease and quality of work.
My big ace in the sleeve is mentoring and leadership. Experience in mentoring with an individual approach has resulted in positive outcomes. Transferring knowledge and gradually introducing the programming language at the level of the student's current abilities are the feedback I receive every time, leading to a positive outcome in task solving and the satisfaction of the students.
In the last year, I have been leading a Frontend team of 3 to 5 people that shows successful progress and efficiency. A good understanding of the product, planning, analysis, estimation, support, and critical thinking are what have led to the successful development of the project.
I love participating in innovations that potentially lead to new features.
View Multiviewer:
Web-based asset management.
Built with React, Typescript, React-query, Zustand, React DnD, Bootstrap,Tailwind
Client side State management Zustand + React context
Server side State management React Query + websocket subscription
TeamCity as CI/CD
Cypress as e2e testing.
React Testing Library, Enyme, Jest as unit testing.
Mock Service Worker(MSW)
Implemented custom Drag and Drop functionality.
Build deploy configuration.
Web-based asset management.
Built with React, Typescript, React-query, Redux, Redux-saga, Bootstrap,Tailwind
State management Redux + React context
Used MOS protocol.
TeamCity as CI/CD
Cypress as e2e testing.
React Testing Library, Enyme, Jest as unit testing.
Mock Service Worker(MSW)
Property management web application. Managing property remotely more easier.
React,Typescript, Supabase, React-query, Mantine.
React context as State Management.
Supabase as a backend.
Ad**ci mobile Application :
Property management application. Managing property remotely more easier.
React-Native, Supabase, Emotion/native.
Supabase as a backend solution to facilitate database management and authentication.
Web dating application.
React, Supabase, React-query, Mantine.
Chat with Supabase.
CMS Application :
Web content management for television company. Journalists manage content on the web.
Built with React-Admin, Typescript, Redux, React DnD, Atlaskit/tree, Elastic, Material-ui, SCSS
Implemented accessible Drag and Drop functionality.
Implemented Folder/files tree structure.