You will get a fantastic book cover for your business.

You will get a fantastic book cover for your business.

Project details
You will get a polished logo design that will bring your company to the next level. With over 5 years of experience in freelance and agency enviroments, I care deeply about helping startups tell their story through design. The work I deliver is 100% original and high quality.
Children's Literature, PhotographyDesign Style
IllustrativeFile Format
- Delivery Time 2 days
- Number of Revisions 5
- Number of Design Concepts 10
- Back & Spine Designs
- 3D Mockup
- Audiobook Cover (ACX)
About Christian
Translation from German to Russia, Spain, English
Lohmar, Germany - 8:31 am local time
I am a native German and Russian speaker, and I worked two years abroad and thus expanded my language skills.
My Team and I also offer various projects, from simple to complex, from general to technical.
All translations I provide are of the highest quality and precision.
● Translation English – German / German - English
● Translation Spanish – English / English - Spanish
● Translation Russian – German / German - Russian
● Translation Spanish – German / German - Spanish
● Proofreading
● Copywriting
● Writing ((official) letters, resumes, website content, blog content, etc.)
● Filing applications
Quality and speed matter! When you choose me, you get both!
I‘m looking forward to helping you ACCOMPLISH YOUR PROJECT!
Yours sincerely,
Christian Dridger
Steps for completing your project
After purchasing the project, send requirements so Christian can start the project.
Delivery time starts when Christian receives requirements from you.
Christian works on your project following the steps below.
Revisions may occur after the delivery date.
Step 1.
Create the first draft.
Step 2.
Incorporate edits.