You will get a manga/webtoon 30-page chapter of your story

Kinga J.
Kinga J. Kinga J.
Top Rated

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Cartoons & Comics services from Kinga, priced and ready to go.

You will get a manga/webtoon 30-page chapter of your story

Kinga J.
Kinga J. Kinga J.
Top Rated

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Cartoons & Comics services from Kinga, priced and ready to go.

Project details

You will receive a professionally drawn manga chapter with your story. A chapter is 30 pages long. One page contains from 1 to 7 panels maximum, whether one page has 2,3,4 or 7 panels, the price per chapter is the same.
The manga is drawn in a professional clip studio program. I also use 3d models to draw, so the drawings always keep the right perspective regardless of the view.
I can work on the text itself (in which case the panel layout is done by me) as well as on an already finished panel layout.
It is also possible to buy the chapter in webtoon version - the same number of pages and panels saved in the layout for webcomics, then you get a file with the book version of the manga and a file with the version for webtoon.
The basic version is the draft alone, without line art or color. While the line art or black and white/color version is without a sketch, if you desire to have sketch first and then line art/b&w/color, choose the standard or advanced option and buy the " draft version" option.
Main Type
Illustration Style
File Format
What's included
Service Tiers Starter
Delivery Time 10 days 20 days 30 days
Number of Panels
Number of Revisions
Source Files
High Resolution
Commercial Use
Optional add-ons You can add these on the next page.
Color (+ 10 Days)
webtoon wersion (+ 2 Days)
Hentai/yaoi/yuri version
Draft version (+ 10 Days)

Frequently asked questions

37 reviews
100% Complete
1% Complete
1% Complete
1% Complete
1% Complete
Rating breakdown


Bramwell John S.
Dec 25, 2023
Kinga was prompt and professional
It was great working with her
Kinga J.

About Kinga

Kinga J.
Graphic designer and Illustrator, cartoonist
100% Job Success
5.0  (37 reviews)
Zamienie, Poland - 6:39 pm local time
Good morning,
I am a illustrator and graphic designer. I graduated from the 3-grade art school (9 years) and I have the title of computer graphics technique. I've been drawing for over a dozen years in various techniques and styles (manually, digitally, pencil, oil paint, etc.). I usually draw in a realistic-comic style, but a realistic portrait is not a problem either. I have not only talent but also art education, so I know what is the difference between linear and aerial perspective, what are the rules of composition, and how to use your knowledge in practice.

programs in which I work:
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- Corel Painter 2017
- Clip studio

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Kinga can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Kinga receives requirements from you.

Kinga works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.


- receiving the story and guidelines for the chapter - drawing of the ordered story - sending the finished product

Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Kinga.