You will get a fantastic Mobile app like grid view items with two columns and text below

Anna P.
Anna P.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Other Mobile Apps services from Anna, priced and ready to go.

You will get a fantastic Mobile app like grid view items with two columns and text below

Anna P.
Anna P.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Other Mobile Apps services from Anna, priced and ready to go.

Project details

You will get a fantastic and exciting mobile app as grid view with items like beds catalog or menu restaurant or every different product that interested you.
With these android apps, you can create your product catalog with necessary items for your business work, and also you get on click on item option then this product will be the approach to you as selected thing
App Type
Native App
Development Technology
App Purpose
Productivity, Restaurant, Shopping
Performance Optimization
What's included
Service Tiers Starter
Delivery Time 3 days 4 days 5 days
Number of Revisions
Source Code
Anna P.

About Anna

Anna P.
Android Java Kotlin Developer
Kildare, Ireland - 9:49 am local time
I am an Android Java Kotlin Developer with over three years of commercial experience in Java Programming SE, more than two years of commercial experience in Android Java Studio, and several months in Kotlin practice.

In May 2016, I successfully finished a Postgraduate Diploma in Java Programming SE. In 2018, I also completed the Udacity Nanodegree Scholarship: Google Developer.

During my work at Rathcoole Community Centre, I had the opportunity to develop the following major Android apps:

RCC Project 1: Android App with RCC Web Address, Maps Location and Contact number

RCC Calendar Events :Android Apps with RCC Calendar Events

RCC Notes: Android App with simple notes

RCC Image Control: Android App with RCC Video View, Images, Marquee Text/Life message.

I am interested in creating an Android App with the Intent/creating pages and multiple pages with text, images and short information.

Recycler View custom adapter app like create a menu for restaurants,
Content Provider app with SQLite Databases,
Informative app with Web Address , map locations and contact number directly to this office,
List View of stuff, items, persons,
any Android App with Video View.

I would love to create stunning mobile and TV android apps for my potential clients to help them move on their business to the next level.

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Anna can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Anna receives requirements from you.

Anna works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.

Create outline , deliver first draft ,deliver final draft

After our initial conversation I will deliver you first part of this mobile project to your reviewing then if I need to correct something I do. Again ,if you come back to me with your accepting of this version then I will send you the final project.

Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Anna.