You will get a personalized deployed TOKEN smart contract to fit your project

Unai I.
Unai I.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Crypto Coins & Tokens services from Unai, priced and ready to go.

You will get a personalized deployed TOKEN smart contract to fit your project

Unai I.
Unai I.

Select service tier

Personalized smart contract

Personalized smart contract - No complex Maths

  • Delivery Time 2 days
  • Number of Revisions 0
    • Instruction Manual
    • Source Code

2 days delivery — Oct 8, 2024
Revisions may occur after this date.
Upwork Payment Protection
Fund the project upfront. Unai gets paid once you are satisfied with the work.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Crypto Coins & Tokens services from Unai, priced and ready to go.

Project details

You will get :
- Personalized smart contract (Maths included or not)
- Coaching about best solutions
- Airdrop
- Staking
- tokenomics
- Liquidity provider knowledge
A PERSONALIZED coached best solution DEPLOYED TOKEN to fit your project. Commitment.


I am professional Blockchain & web3 Developer who is passionate about creating consistent, error-free solutions.
I divide my services to start from your project's first necessity. So you can evaluate my work and commintment.
Then, We can discuss which would be the best solution to your project and see which services we can work in.

I have a genuine passion for my work, and love being able to use that passion to create original, creative projects for my clients.

My services are divided in:
✅ Smart contract creation (token, NFT, DAO or deFi)
✅ Web browser/mobile-responsive design
✅ Web3 integration (landing page, minting page, market, playground…)
✅ Web features (User Authentification, database, API)
Token Type
Cryptocurrency, Reward Token, Security Token, Utility Token
Crypto Coin Deliverable
Smart Contract
Programming Language
JavaScript, Solidity
What's included
Service Tiers Starter
Delivery Time 2 days 4 days 5 days
Number of Revisions
Instruction Manual
Source Code
White Paper
Optional add-ons You can add these on the next page.
Additional Revision
Unai I.

About Unai

Unai I.
|| Blockchain || Web3 || Security ||
Bilbao, Spain - 12:06 pm local time
I am a professional Blockchain & web3 Developer who is passionate about creating consistent, error-free solutions.

I divide my services to start from your project's first necessity. So you can evaluate my work and commintment.
Then, We can discuss which would be the best solution to your project and see which services we can work in.

My services are divided in:
✅ Smart contract creation (token, NFT, DAO or deFi)
✅ Web browser/mobile-responsive design
✅ Web3 integration (landing page, minting page, market, playground…)
✅ Web features (User Authentification, database, API)

I have a genuine passion for my work, and love being able to use that passion to create original, creative projects for my clients.

I have skills in:
• Lenguages: Javascript (TS), solidity, python (HTML, CSS)
• Framework : MongoDB , Express, React, Node (or Next)
• 3D & animation : Three, fiber, drei, cannon, gsap
• DApp : NFT, DeFi, DAO, Socials, Games, Marketplace, Collections…
• Web3: hardhat, ethers, wagmi

Currently I work building,
Smart Contracts development:
✅ Design and testing of all types of smart contracts: atomic swaps, flash loans, ERC (20, 721, 1155, …). Focusing on security against hacking. Prevention of current vulnerabilities on all types of smart contracts.
✅ Upgradable smart contracts. Giving flexibility to adapt to business necessities.

Web3 development:
✅ Design and implementation of single-page-application (simple web + Database)
✅ Design and implementation of static-site-generation (more complex webs + Database)
✅ Design and implementation of server-side-rendering (complex webs + Database)
& integration of your business logic smart contracts into them (web3)

My goal is quality and commitment, to best satisfy customer needs. Let's begin

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Unai can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Unai receives requirements from you.

Unai works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.

Coaching - Best solution


Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Unai.