You will get highly accurate forecast of your time series data

You will get highly accurate forecast of your time series data

Project details
If you are looking for a highly accurate forecast, for any time series data, you are at the right place. I bring the same rigor, insight, shrewdness, and innovation that went into creating an algorithm to predict stock prices. Stock prices are notorious for being the most difficult to predict; I am, however, predicting it with an accuracy of more than 95%. This is partly due to my insight into time series analysis and rigorous understanding of Machine Learning concepts.
As mentioned in my profile, I bring innovative methodologies to create algorithms for time series forecasting.
You can rest assured the same effort will be replicated with your data.
As mentioned in my profile, I bring innovative methodologies to create algorithms for time series forecasting.
You can rest assured the same effort will be replicated with your data.
Data Tool
- Delivery Time 14 days
- Number of Revisions 3
- Number of Graphs/Charts 5
- Data Source Connectivity
- Model Validation/Testing
Frequently asked questions
About Akshay
Innovative Data Scientist
Bengaluru, India - 7:32 am local time
You should count on me as a data scientist because I can count on HANDLING your data INNOVATIVELY. Welcome to my world; a world where innovation is not an add-on, but a habit. Whether it is Time Series Analysis, Regression, or Linear Discriminant Analysis, the “how” scores over the “why”.
My skills and proficiency:
- Statistics, both descriptive and inferential
- Machine Learning, both supervised and unsupervised - latest models:
- Supervised learning - Regression - predictive modeling
- SVM, Linear regression, Neural Network, Random Forest, Kernel Methods, RBFs, etc.
- CARET in R
- K fold cross-validation
- proficiency in handling overfitting and underfitting
- combining different ML algorithms for increased accuracy - Ensemble Models
- Natural Language Processing
- News Analytics
- Deep Learning
- R & RStudio
- R in AWS EC2 ubuntu
- parallel computing in AWS EC2 and in general
- time series analysis:
- time series forecasting
- Time series modeling:
- Differencing & Stationarity
- Explanatory modeling and Mixed modeling
- Time series features & Time series plots
- Times series decomposition:
- Seasonality & Trend
- Harmonic regression and Time Series Linear Model
- Time series cross validation
First, some background. I was a child prodigy, scoring 98% in my 7th grade. I also got a rank of 2500 out of 160000 candidates in the screening test of IIT-JEE, the entrance exam for admission into the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology, in February 2001. I finally got into an engineering college in South India in August 2001.
However, I dropped out of college in 2003, by sheer choice. After dabbling with many trades, I finally stumbled upon Stock Trading in 2017. In August 2017, I had a very innovative idea for handling the OHLC data and chose the R programming language to implement it. The story developed, and now I am an established Day Trader. I am predicting the stock prices with an accuracy of more than 95%.
In the process, I came to know intimately how innovation works. The relation between theory and innovative application is symbiotic. Moreover, you cannot deduce an innovative idea; it is just a by-product of application. With me being a very hard worker, innovation is natural.
I bring this innovative mental mien to serve you in Upwork. It is innovation that makes one data-crunching algorithm superior to any other. By putting in more hours of work a day, I can innovatively solve your issue without letting the time frame spin out of hand.
As of now, I am augmenting my Stock Trading software with Machine Learning and News Analytics. But again, the buttress remains the same: just knowing how Support Vector Machines or Neural Networks work is not enough; innovative applications complete the picture. And this augmentation is leading to serving you in Upwork.
My other skills include shrewd problem-solving, getting insight into whatever task is undertaken, and fluency in English. I am also a genuine polymath. My strengths include Quantum Physics, Computer programming logic, Writing, and building a strong vocabulary, among others. Now, how does all this relate to Data Science? Well, stronger parts make a stronger whole.
With me, you can rest assured that your data works hard, and more, for you!
Steps for completing your project
After purchasing the project, send requirements so Akshay can start the project.
Delivery time starts when Akshay receives requirements from you.
Akshay works on your project following the steps below.
Revisions may occur after the delivery date.
Getting the time series data. It can be sales data or any financial data.
It can be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly or data set of any time stamp.
I will backtest the algorithm and give it to you.
It will basically contain a file wherein you will check the accuarcy of my algorithm.You will check the accuracy by comparing the predicted values with the actual values. The closer they are, the more accurate the algorithm.