You will get Key market stats and data points for the specific industry

Kalpana Y.
Kalpana Y.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Market Research services from Kalpana, priced and ready to go.

You will get Key market stats and data points for the specific industry

Kalpana Y.
Kalpana Y.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Market Research services from Kalpana, priced and ready to go.

Project details

I will provide you the key data points your the specified industry. It includes Revenue , volume , value , forecast , key trends, consumption , segments( if any ) , revenue change, consumerr insights etc.

All the data will be from reliable data sources.
I have paid subscription of statista database.
English, Hindi
Research Method
What's included
Service Tiers Starter
Delivery Time 2 days 6 days 9 days
Number of Pages
Competitive Analysis
Customer Analysis
Executive Summary
Market Trends
Survey Writing
SWOT Analysis
TAM Calculation or Analysis
Kalpana Y.

About Kalpana

Kalpana Y.
TOP RATED for Quantitative survey, Data analytics and market research
50% Job Success
Greater Noida, India - 12:04 pm local time
With 10+ years of experience and $75k+ Total Earnings in Data analytics, Market research, Quantitative Surveys , market stats research , data analysis , quantitative research, basic statistics, and Data reporting . Would like to help my client achieve their objectives through intelligent implication of data available . 400+ projects handled

• Worked alongside top management in formulating strategy to define growth, creating dynamic new products for FMCG and other industries.
• Competency in developing and executing survey-based research projects for providing better understanding of consumer needs and helped in developing strong brands & products.

• Rolled - out large-scale quantitative research projects based on consumer immersions and quality implementation which includes design, coordination, data analysis, report & insights generation.

• KEY SKILLS: Consumer Insights Generation, Market & business Intelligence, Quantitative/Qualitative research, Category / Brand research, Data/ Survey Research, Client & Stakeholder handling, Project Management.

• Successfully worked with various renowned clients like Tropicana ,7up, Nimbus, Miranda, Slice, Samsung, Pizza Hut, KFC, Cheerios, Nature Valley, Haagen Daaz Markay, Pillsbury, WFS and so on.
• Gained in-depth exposure in managing research for product evaluation, pricing, packaging, concept, campaign assessments, brand health, new product development and so on.

Excellent power point and word skills
Tools Used
• SPSS (Running basic statistics, correlations, regression, cluster analysis, cross tabulation etc)
• Tableau, Power BI (Data Visualization)
• SQL (Data Extraction)
• Advanced Excel (Pivots, look up etc)

• Knowledge of measuring strategy effectiveness which includes creating a metrics framework to monitor marketing performance, collating data, developing and utilizing marketing dashboards/ report to draw inferences.

• Understanding and analysing of market trends / market changes / demographic/google analytics.

I believe in holistic approach to achieving a business goal through data research and generating meaningful insights.
Would be happy to associate with client for better future prospects.

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Kalpana can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Kalpana receives requirements from you.

Kalpana works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.

Snapshot report

Key data points for the industry will be provided

Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Kalpana.