You will get best youtube top 10 video
Top Rated
Project details
I use Royalty Free Stock Videos, Images and Sounds to make the best viral top 10 youtube videos. In this gig i will cover Top 10 Facts, Celebrity, Sports, Mystery and other youtube videos.
Our final produced top 10 video will have
- 1080p HQ Resolution
- Royalty Free Videos + Music
- Animated Text & Titles
- Cool and Attractive Transitions
- Color Grading and many more.
We also provide script and voice over services hit us in inbox if you need any of our help.
Try to contact us about your order so that we can disuss things firmly!
If you want to discuss more about our work feel free to contact us.
Thank You
Our final produced top 10 video will have
- 1080p HQ Resolution
- Royalty Free Videos + Music
- Animated Text & Titles
- Cool and Attractive Transitions
- Color Grading and many more.
We also provide script and voice over services hit us in inbox if you need any of our help.
Try to contact us about your order so that we can disuss things firmly!
If you want to discuss more about our work feel free to contact us.
Thank You
Video Type
Explainer VideoWhat's included
Service Tiers |
Delivery Time | 2 days | 3 days | 3 days |
Number of Revisions | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Footage Provided (Minutes) | 15 | 30 | 60 |
Running Time (Minutes) | 5 | 8 | 10 |
Color Grading | - | - | - |
Sound Design & Mixing | - | - | - |
Motion Graphics | - | - | - |
Subtitles | - | - | - |
23 reviews
This project doesn't have any reviews.
Rishikesh C.
Aug 10, 2024
He will get Voiceover and video done with given script.
Good but not as expected.
Rishikesh C.
Aug 10, 2024
2 Youtube video from script to final video (Script+voiceover+video)
Overall Good but not as expected.
Gianna S.
Jul 10, 2024
Video Editor for Health/Nutrition Youtube Channel
Great experience working with Muhammad! Excellent video editor! Would hire again!
Jade B.
Aug 31, 2023
Video edit
sebastiaan h.
Jun 26, 2023
Edit 2 videos ready to publish with script and voice-over what is delivered
About Muhammad
Video editing
Job Success
Lahore, Pakistan - 3:07 pm local time
Having 6 Years of experience, I am a Video Editor and Graphic Designer with exceptional skills in Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Abobe Photoshop, and Adobe Audition.
I have expertise in Youtube Video Production.
I started as a video editor back in 2015 and now I am running an agency that produces videos for many youtube channels.
I am an expert in Youtube Ranking and Explainer Videos ( GOD LEVEL SKILLS )
Other than that Services I can offer as a Video Editor
- Top 10 or top 5 Ranking Video Editing.
- Explainer Video Editing.
- Video Editing for Youtube, Facebook, Instagram.
- Compilation videos.
- Image and footage slideshow.
- Chroma keying and replacing background.
- Motion graphics, lower third, Typography.
- Video Effects ( Transitions, VFX etc )
- Adding music to your videos.
- Image Animation Effects.
Services I can offer as an agency.
- Scripting.
- Voice narration.
- Thumbnail designing.
Tools I use,
- Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Adobe After Effects.
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Audition.
I'm super creative and proactive, I love connecting with new projects and passionate about editing and everything related to it.
Please let me know how can I help!
Steps for completing your project
After purchasing the project, send requirements so Muhammad can start the project.
Delivery time starts when Muhammad receives requirements from you.
Muhammad works on your project following the steps below.
Revisions may occur after the delivery date.
Research of the data!
Compilation of videos!