You will get a comprehensive Joint Venture Agreement

Manish N.
Manish N.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Legal Writing services from Manish, priced and ready to go.

You will get a comprehensive Joint Venture Agreement

Manish N.
Manish N.

Select service tier

Agreement with 5 to 10 Pages

Agreement that includes the essential clauses required by local laws.

  • Delivery Time 2 days
  • Number of Revisions 1

2 days delivery — Nov 14, 2024
Revisions may occur after this date.
Upwork Payment Protection
Fund the project upfront. Manish gets paid once you are satisfied with the work.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Legal Writing services from Manish, priced and ready to go.

Project details

A tailored approach that addresses your specific needs and objectives, offering a comprehensive and meticulously designed framework that ensures a successful and mutually beneficial partnership.
Content Type
Contracts & Agreements
What's included
Service Tiers Starter
Delivery Time 2 days 3 days 3 days
Number of Revisions
Optional add-ons You can add these on the next page.
Additional Revision
Manish N.

About Manish

Manish N.
Paralegal/ Contract Drafting/ Legal Research
Bengaluru, India - 8:31 am local time
I am a legal practitioner excels in drafting a wide array of agreements and contracts. With an exceptional grasp of civil laws, i am well-equipped to navigate complex legal scenarios. My courtroom proficiency reflects a seasoned understanding of litigation, while the contract drafting expertise underscores meticulous attention to detail. My versatile skill set encompasses various aspects of civil law, making a valuable resource for clients seeking legal solutions. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to upholding the law.

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Manish can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Manish receives requirements from you.

Manish works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.

Additional information

I will be requesting additional information beyond what you have provided to fully comprehend your purpose and requirements for entering into the joint venture agreement.


I will draft an agreement based on the information you've provided and will then send it to you for your review. You can review the draft and finalize it as needed.

Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Manish.