You will get A detailed story with a fantastic plot

Caitlyn L.
Caitlyn L.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Other Creative Writing services from Caitlyn, priced and ready to go.

You will get A detailed story with a fantastic plot

Caitlyn L.
Caitlyn L.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Other Creative Writing services from Caitlyn, priced and ready to go.

Project details

As a ghostwriter I am here to bring your ideas to life! I will give as much detail and description as you want and will take care to create a thrilling and exciting story, I can write any genre and will fil any gaps of my knowledge with extensive research
What's included $10 These options are included with the project scope.
  • Delivery Time 2 days
    • Topic Research
Caitlyn L.

About Caitlyn

Caitlyn L.
University Student
Leeds, United Kingdom - 2:02 am local time
As someone who has loved writing from a young age and consider it my strongest talent, I love writing creative stories with unique characters and love to create the perfect setting, conveying emotions and detail through words, pacing and descriptions. I can write in first or third person and love to let my imagination take over! I have been writing since i was young and writing seriously since 2017.

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Caitlyn can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Caitlyn receives requirements from you.

Caitlyn works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.

recieve requiements and create outline

this is where I will read your ideas and wishes and create an outline of what the story may have

Draft 1

this is where I will write up a rough draft with as much detail as needed, I will send it to you for your feedback and will make any changes you wish

Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Caitlyn.