You will get a perfectly drafted agreement

Muryam R.
Muryam R.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Legal Writing services from Muryam, priced and ready to go.

You will get a perfectly drafted agreement

Muryam R.
Muryam R.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Legal Writing services from Muryam, priced and ready to go.

Project details

You will get a perfectly drafted agreement within 2 days!

I leverage over 4 years of experience drafting contracts, including but not limited to:
Shareholder Agreement
Contract for Sale of Business/Property
Franchise Agreement
Loan Agreement
Employment Agreement
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement
Lease/License Agreement
Consultancy Agreement
Legal Notice or Warning letter (or reply to legal notice)
Legal Letter (Demand, Resignation letter, Termination letter, out-of-court settlement, Calderbank offer, etc.)

Note: Message me for a detailed discussion before placing the order.
English, Urdu
Content Type
Contracts & Agreements
What's included
Service Tiers Starter
Delivery Time 5 days 7 days 10 days
Number of Revisions
Optional add-ons You can add these on the next page.
Fast Delivery
+$200 - $500
Additional Revision
23 reviews
96% Complete
4% Complete
1% Complete
1% Complete
1% Complete
Rating breakdown


Stuart M.
Aug 5, 2024
Legal Assistant / Executive Assistant & Project Coordinator Muryam was excellent to work with - transparent, professional, punctual, knowledgeable and brought a professional and considered perspective to everything she was assigned. Would be happy to rehire and work together again - Muryam is a rare find.


Sravani V.
Sep 8, 2023
HR Letter Muryam has been exceptionally helpful with my projects. Always flexible with my schedule and delivers quality work on time. Surely will recommend her services.


Sravani V.
Jun 21, 2023
HR policy review


Viv D.
May 31, 2023
more legal work thanks for the good work


Jay H.
May 30, 2023
Paralegal Legal Assistance (Pro Se Aide, Legal Research, Pacer ECR Filing)
Muryam R.

About Muryam

Muryam R.
Paralegal | Legal Assistant | Research | Drafting
85% Job Success
5.0  (23 reviews)
Melbourne, Australia - 2:06 am local time
If you need help drafting a contract, researching relevant laws and cases, or reviewing legal documents, I can help.

My name’s Muryam Rehman and I specialize in providing legal services to clients/firms based in Australia and US on corporate and civil law matters.

Drafting legal documents -- That includes agreements, contracts, letters, correspondences, briefs, summaries, plaints/complaints, motions, subpoenas, summons, discovery, affidavits, and responses.

Researching laws and cases -- That includes statutes, articles, precedents, commentaries, and legislations.

Handling internal and external communication -- That includes collaborating with internal team members, and corresponding with courts, agents, other side solicitors, and clients.

Administrative assistance -- That includes filling out forms (PEXA, Court/client forms, intake, retainer agreements), case and file management (LEAP, Google Drive, Nutstore, Onedrive, Outlook), calendar management (Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar), create invoices (Adobe Acrobat Pro, LEAP), follow up with parties and ensure timely execution of contracts as well as litigation submissions (Gmail, Teams, Outlook, Gvoice, Skype).

Plenty of lawyers say they are good at drafting agreements, but they make these mistakes:
• Drafting an agreement that results in the entire information being rewritten if any change is required by either party.
• Not utilizing Microsoft Word review functions, such as redline, watermark, and blackline.
• Not researching for relevant templates and samples in company database and internet.

On the other hand, I:
• Ensure every agreement I create has a separate schedule that contains all client-relevant information. Hence, any change required would be made in that relevant schedule only. This saves time for drafting similar agreements as well.
• I keep the ‘track changes’ function on till the final draft is completed so I can easily review and check the exact changes made by my team members or the other party.
• I use my personal and company databases, and research on the internet to look for relevant samples related to the required agreement.

The testimonials (in my profile below) are proof of my ability to draft agreements that meet the client’s specific demands, research in line with the client’s requirements, and manage case files efficiently.

Look. When you are working for a client, only three things matter:
• The client’s requirements and questions are addressed promptly and empathically.
• The client is always in the loop related to any progress in their case.
• The client’s rights are fully protected in all documents.

See for yourself – Haven’t you noticed how most other lawyers do not focus on the requirements and time sensitivity of the cases, resulting in unnecessary delays and follow-ups?

That’s why when you work with me, I’ll ensure your documents are prepared on time, are grammatically correct, meet your requirements, and fully protect your rights.

But there’s a catch. I genuinely don’t work with just anyone. To qualify to work with me, you must provide clear instructions and be ready to manage time and priorities in line with the requirements of the matter.

Even then, I am busy with projects both on Upwork and off Upwork.

So, if you want to work with an experienced legal associate who can effectively draft agreements, research laws and cases, and manage case files, message me right away and I would be happy to discuss this further with you.

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Muryam can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Muryam receives requirements from you.

Muryam works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.

Discuss details with the client

I confirm the details and requirements submitted by the client in their order.

Submit draft 1 for client's review

This draft includes all information except client specific details, such as name, address, etc. Here, I will send you the draft for review. Based on your feedback, I will make additional edits and add other specific details to finalize the agreement.

Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Muryam.