You will get manuscript reviewed by an award-winning screenwriter
Ashley S.
You will get manuscript reviewed by an award-winning screenwriter
Ashley S.
Review your short film script
Short film (45 pages or less)
- Delivery Time 14 days
- Number of Revisions 0
14 days
delivery —
Sep 27, 2024
Revisions may occur after this date.
Upwork Payment Protection
Fund the project upfront. Ashley gets paid once you are satisfied with the work.
Project details
You will get a document containing any grammatical, structural, or formatting recommendations for your screenplay manuscript to ensure your story's success.
EnglishWhat's included
Service Tiers |
Delivery Time | 14 days | 21 days | 30 days |
Number of Revisions | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Optional add-ons
You can add these on the next page.
Fast Delivery
+$10 - $20About Ashley
Social, Web, & Videography are my specialty
Theresa, United States - 7:44 am local time
Currently, I am a Digital News Producer at WWNY / WNYF in Watertown, NY. However, my duties extend beyond the production of our newscasts. My daily routine includes video management, news production, web writing and social media management as well as production with our new Digital News Desk.
Outside the work environment, I am a New Jersey Devils hockey fanatic, and am all about the chilly weather and the outdoors. I'm very active and can be found at the ice rink, on the slopes, or in the pool swimming laps.
Since August 2016, I've had the privilege of working at the one of the best small-market television stations in the country. WWNY-TV, the CBS affiliate in Watertown, NY, is one of the highest rated stations in the country along with its sister station WNYF, North Country Fox. I am a jack-of-all-trades in the newsroom. I have produced newscasts while managing video content, maintaining the website, monitoring social media, and filing stories I shot and wrote myself. My schooling in computer technology also assists in problem-solving in the newsroom.
Steps for completing your project
After purchasing the project, send requirements so Ashley can start the project.
Delivery time starts when Ashley receives requirements from you.
Ashley works on your project following the steps below.
Revisions may occur after the delivery date.
Read Manuscript
I will read the script once through to get a feel for the story.
Review Structure
I will review the story's structure to ensure the flow and structure are solid.