You will get quality writing which is highly influential and has impacts on your readers

Sigit Mukti N.
Sigit Mukti N.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Articles & Blog Posts services from Sigit Mukti, priced and ready to go.

You will get quality writing which is highly influential and has impacts on your readers

Sigit Mukti N.
Sigit Mukti N.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Articles & Blog Posts services from Sigit Mukti, priced and ready to go.

Project details

If your more-important business out there hampers you from writing, let me handle the work for you.

My articles are user-friendly because I emphasize communicativeness in my writing style.
So, engaging and making an impact on your readers is my job.

Plus, my articles include these features.
- Originally written (plagiarism-free)
- Effectively communicating to your audience
- Engaging
- Error-Free
- Available for different Styles and tones.
- Keywords/SEO included
- Accurate and Grammatical sentences
- Wide topics
- Research-Based

Just Contact Me Now.
Health & Medical, Lifestyle, Marketing, Family & Education, General
English, Indonesian
Article Type
Long-Form Article, First-Person Narrative
What's included
Service Tiers Starter
Delivery Time 2 days 2 days 2 days
Number of Revisions
Number of Words
Number of Focus Words
Topic Research
References & Citations
Data Chart
Sigit Mukti N.

About Sigit Mukti

Sigit Mukti N.
Professional English - Indonesian TRANSLATOR
Kudus, Indonesia - 6:10 pm local time
Basically I am a graduate of English Education Department who have been passionate about anything related to linguistics such as translation, English language teaching, and writing.
Currently I work as a content writer at a private company. Besides the job I have, I also have been active in Translation since 2013 as a freelance translator. I translate General Topics, mostly on Humanity (psychology, education, linguistics). I also translate topics other than education such as health, sports, religion, social issues, and many others.
The projects I have translated include various types of translation projects such as academic papers, popular articles, manuals, book, etc.
I prioritize both accuracy and human-friendliness for the result of my translation.

Here are some skills that I have developed:
Translation English - Indonesia language pairs
English Grammar
English Writing
Indonesian Writing

I am also skilled in writing. I work as a content writer at a private company which enables me to do content writing and copywriting.
Writing itself also has been my hobby since my childhood which I enjoy doing a lot.

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Sigit Mukti can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Sigit Mukti receives requirements from you.

Sigit Mukti works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.

I learn the request

I will learn everything related to the request

I conduct necessary research

I do some research to deeply understand the concept and brainstorm ideas

Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Sigit Mukti.