English White Papers

Share your company's unique solutions and insights with your audience through a custom white paper.

447 english white papers projects available

English White Papers FAQs

What is the purpose of a white paper?

White papers are detailed reports that can serve multiple purposes. There are many types of white papers:

  • A thought leadership piece examining a particular problem
  • A content marketing piece designed to appeal to prospective customers
  • A case study designed to develop trust among potential customers
  • And more

This report or guide educates its audience and often includes statistics and other data. It may be written for the general public or a specialized audience of stakeholders.

What is a white paper format?

Writers of white papers need to be versatile and well organized, because white papers can take on many formats. There’s no one strict template to follow when it comes to white paper design. Instead, a great white paper might have some or all of these elements, based on its format and needs:

  • An executive summary at the beginning
  • Key points highlighted as headings
  • Design elements for easier reading
  • Infographics to illustrate key takeaways
  • A sales pitch at the end
  • Detailed methodology for any surveys or studies referenced
  • References and sources for further reading

Looking at examples of white papers can give you some potential ideas of how to structure yours.

How do you start a white paper?

It’s best to start a white paper with a detailed outline. Focusing on the key takeaways that you want to highlight can help you to structure the paper.

Keep in mind that writing these papers is time-consuming and often requires several revisions. You might want to work with a white paper writer if you don’t have the time to take on this significant project.

What are white paper services?

White paper writing services can help to ensure that you get a quality white paper without having to spend the time to write it yourself. White paper writers specialize in these detailed reports, and they can help with everything from outlining your paper to polishing the final draft.

Does your business need white paper writers? You can find plenty of white paper creation services on Upwork.

How much do white papers cost?

The cost of white paper services can vary depending on the writer’s experience as well as the length and complexity of your paper.

How much do white paper writers make?

White paper writers can make hundreds to thousands of dollars per paper, depending on the project requirements and the complexity.