
Writing for Your Future


(Hint: Click "more" to view properly) WEBSITE CONTENT Content is king. It takes careful, skillful attention to craft content that communicates your vision clearly and concisely, appeals to your target audience(s), and encourages action. No heavy-handed, in-your-face sales tactics here . . . just clean, clear copy that appeals, educates, and motivates. * content strategy plans * sitemaps * content development APPLICATION and WEBSITE PROTOTYPING / DOCUMENTATION Defining functional requirements up front saves time, money, frustration, and headache in the development stage - especially in virtual teams. Without a clear road map, it's too easy for costly misunderstandings to cause developers to get lost chasing the wrong "rabbit holes". Keep all your Alices on the path to Wonderland with clear requirements documentation and interactive prototypes. I'll work with you to get every detail of your site or application pinned down exactly the way you want it. The rest is easy as pie! * system requirements * functional requirements * interactive prototypes START-UP SERVICES Need help defining your vision? Whether you have a well-formulated plan and just need some fine-tuning, or you have a spark of an idea and don't know where to start, I can help you corral your thoughts into a well-defined, workable plan of action. * product/service development * pricing plans * market plans TRAINING MATERIALS and USER GUIDES Expertly constructed training materials mean your users can start using your product or service right away - with minimal support needed from you. Let me create the clear and concise materials that let your users hit the ground running. * training manuals * help files * getting started guides * user manuals SALES &amp;amp; MARKETING MATERIALS Great sales and marketing materials don't just tell - they sell. And that happens best when both writing and design work hand in hand to elicit the response you want. * brochures * posters * sales sheets * product descriptions PROOFREADING &amp;amp; EDITING Whether you need a quick polish, a heavy edit, or a complete re-write, I'll help you make your writing perfectly professional - without losing your unique tone. * business communications * manuscripts * anything with words!

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$31.11 - $75.00

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Jan 22, 2009