Articles & Blog Posts

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Articles & Blog Posts FAQs

Are blogs important for businesses?

Blogs are an important part of a company’s content strategy, as they can communicate the features and benefits of a product or service. When this is done effectively, blogs can influence audience members during their buying journey in a way that leads them to make a purchase.

How should you format a blog post?

A blog post should be formatted in a way that leads to increased readership and interest. Beginning with an attention-grabbing headline, a well-formatted blog post should also feature relatively brief sentences that convey ideas quickly. The post should also include subheads or section heads, helping readers to quickly understand the message or skip to sections that are more interesting to them. Additionally, photos and other graphics can increase readership, interest, and SEO rankings across search engines.

What is the difference between a blog post and an article?

While a blog post is often written for the purpose of conveying an individual’s personal perspective on a particular subject, an article typically conveys facts and an unbiased opinion on a particular topic. Blog posts are almost always published on websites, while articles can be published virtually anywhere, including websites as well as newspapers, magazines, and other traditional media.

Is blogging good for SEO?

Blogging provides an excellent opportunity to improve a website’s search engine ranking. By including effective keywords, page metadata, and imagery designed to draw interest, blogs can be an exceptional way of maximizing SEO.

How long should blog posts be for SEO?

While there is no standard length for blog posts, a popular length is between 900 and 1,100 words. While articles are often longer, blog posts typically convey personal opinions and perspectives in a way that is brief and to the point.