Diego V.
100% Job Success

Excel & VBA Expert

After 20 years working for private companies and public entities in Spain, as a computer programmer of administration tools and management processes optimization, in 2019 I started to run my own company. Mainly I provide support aimed to optimization and automation of usual processes of companies in their daily administrative work, through Office tools. Automating processes through Excel VBA and Outlook VBA saves a lot of time and a lot of costs. I am an expert in Excel, and VBA programming for Excel and Outlook. Native Spanish language and high level of English language. In addition to my main job as a developer, I manage a website where I show, through videos, the type of things that can be done with vba excel, and provide tools for VBA programmers. Some of the things I do: - Basic Automation: Recomposition and transfer of data in Excel, automated calculations, generation of reports, invoices, presentations, etc. - Dashboards: Control panels that allow users to perform multiple advanced tasks from a single site. - Macro Restore: Comprehensive review of failed macros, code update and optimization, documentation of code renewal processes. - Conversion of files and formats: Modules for converting pdf documents into excel, word or powerpoint. Conversion of csv formats, UTF-8, Unicode encodings. CRM and Ecommerce management through Excel.

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  • Microsoft Excel
  • Visual Basic for Applications

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