Farooq S.
Rising Talent

Patent Expert

I am an intellectual property (IP) specialist with expertise in assessing technologies for patentability, drafting patent applications and preparing responses for patent office objections. I have assessed more than 600 technology disclosures, drafted close to 500 patent applications, and have around 230 patents which have been granted by different jurisdictions. My experience includes drafting applications and office action responses for USPTO, EPO, SAIP and WIPO. I also provide detailed patent landscape reviews on technologies of interest which may help set the corporate direction. I have healthy experience in performing freedom to operate (FTO) analysis for may emerging technologies looking to go public. All in all, if you have any IP and technology commercialization issues which need immediate handling, do get in touch, you wont be disappointed.

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  • Patent
  • Patent Preparation
  • Intellectual Property Protection

Get started working with Farooq quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Farooq quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a detailed Patentability Study

From $150
5 days delivery

You will get a Patent draft as per requirements

From $190
4 days delivery