Yurii D.
100% Job Success

Front-end web development \ Html code-layout

Hi, I'm Yuri! My set of technologies I work with: - HTML, CSS (SCSS), JavaScript, GULP; - BEM methodology, Flex-box, Grid; - semantic layout (I use HTML 5 semantic tags); - icon font, svg - sprites; - various hover effects, @keyframes animations, transitions; - I use, where supported, the modern WebP image format; - I minify JS and CSS files at the finish to speed up loading; - Cross-browser; - Valid; - Responsive and responsive-adaptive layout (rubber); - I have basic knowledge of working with Git; - Have a good understanding of UI/UX; - Figma, Adobe XD, PSD(Photoshop); Whenever possible, I use mobile-firts to optimize CSS code; Сlear and effective communication for result✉ I guarantee that the work will be completed on time ✓ I will make edits as you wish ✎

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  • CSS Grid
  • gulp
  • Flexbox
  • BEM
  • SVG