Saagar V.
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Wordpress and Shopify Developer

Hello, Welcome! I am a senior and highly skilled full-stack web developer & mobile developer having over 4 years of experience. I have core strength in defining scalable architectures, robust structures, and optimized database design. I have solid and proven expertise with Java, React.js, Node.js, Python, iOS App Development, SwiftUI & UIKIT, Django, Flask, and Vue.js as well as SQL/NoSQL (MySQL/MongoDB) database. Along with that, I am well versed with web development stacks such as MEAN Stack & MERN Stack, I have also good experience with Quality Assurance testing with Selenium(Java). I will be your first and direct touchpoint throughout the whole process until the project is completed, delivered and deployed. From my side, I can give you complete assurance for a quick turnaround, excellent communication and high level of transparency in the project involving each and every process we pass through. With a strong emphasis on quality, delivering bug free work within the committed timeline is my biggest plus point. I believe that tackling complex challenges and solving the related problems with a unique and innovative approach, continues to make me a better and better developer day by day I typically have strong and proven experience with below languages, frameworks and libraries: - Languages (Backend): PHP, Node.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Python, GraphQL - iOS Mobile app Development using UIKIT & SwiftUI. Language- Swift - Frameworks: Redux, React, Vue.js, Angular, Node Express, Tailwind CSS, Django, Flask, Kubernetes, Docker - Libraries: Material-UI, Vue Material, Bootstrap, WordPress, Shopify, Joomla - Web Servers: AWS, GoDaddy, Bluehost, DigitalOcean, Google CloudFront - Stack: MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, LEAN Stack - Frontend: HTML, CSS, SCSS - Database: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL - Backend: Rest APIs, JSON, XML I can prove to be your complete package for web & backend full stack development. I can do everything be it creating a brand new website, or be it creating a web backend platform from scratch, or be it developing Web services APIs, or be it fixing issues or website maintenance. I can help you set up your website, design it’s structure, outlay the architecture, create a database, build the perfect CMS, integrate necessary plugins or addon extensions, code in anything else needed and modify everything as desired. Apart from that, I have good exposure with Devops operations and AWS CodePipeline for CI/CD, combined with AWS CodeBuild for packaging and preparing the build artifacts that get deployed such as Docker images and AWS Lambda packaging. Here is the list of AWS Services for which I have strong experience: CloudFormation CodePipeline CodeBuild RDS / MySQL S3 Lambda Load Balancer API Gateway CloudFront DynamoDB I have already worked on the following web based platforms as a full stack web developer: - POS, PMS, LMS, CMS & CRM development - eCommerce platform development - Online shopping platform development - Marketplace (Buy/Sell), B2B, B2C, C2C platform development - On demand service platform (Uber for X): Taxi booking, Ride sharing, Food ordering & delivery, House Rentals - Social media, Live chat & live streaming platform development - Custom and business enterprise solutions - Landing pages Apart from above listed skills, I can optimize websites ranking with respect to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) area. With our personalized 4 step SEO plan structure we give generous and competitive keywords to our clients website. Revive Title tags, Meta description, Headings (H1, H2, H3 etc). Additionally, we also provide competitors performance and insights. I am available to consult about your project, your ideas, your requirements and I can provide my valuable insights and technical inputs, with a goal to arm you with necessary information, steps, tools and resources required, along with a documentation outlining the scope of work, milestone based project deliverable and a ballpark estimate with cost & time breakdown for the smooth completion and success of your project. Let’s get started. Feel free to send me an Invite or drop me simply a “Hi” and I assure that you will really find it a pleasant experience. Thank you

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  • API Integration
  • Laravel
  • Website Customization
  • Theme Customization
  • Shopify
  • Ecommerce Website
  • WooCommerce
  • Video Editing & Production
  • WordPress

Get started working with Saagar quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Saagar quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Fast-Smooth Shopify Website with Custom Design and Product Uploads

From $200
1 day delivery

You will get a clean and professional UI/UX design for your App or Website

From $100
2 days delivery


Endorsements from past clients

"Saagar did a fantastic job on my project To create a news application along with advertisements. He handled everything from scratch on his own. Completed the project before the deadline! His code was clean with perfect use of comments. I was most amazed by his speed. I definitely recommend him for long-term projects."

Hemant B. | Software Engineer at Google
Web Development May 2021
