Waqas I.
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Senior Full Stack Engineer | MERN |MEAN Stack

My business goal is focused on technology, but I value client relationships over contract agreements. To carry out a positive development, I must first create a positive vision! I believe that the only way to begin is to stop talking and start doing. I'm the one who is brave enough to think and act outside the box to produce a result that is more Productive, Appropriate, Meaningful, and Profound when it reaches you and opens new doors to your Business Growth. A professional Senior Full Stack Engineer with 7 years of software industry experience. My experience ranges from creating responsive yet captivating mobile sites that work well across browsers to creating scalable sites for the financial services industry.  SKILLS THAT I HAVE DEVELOPED SO FAR: ► Programming Languages: Javascript(ES7, ES6, ES5), Typescript ► Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Hapi.js,Socket.io, Angular.js, React.js, Next.js, Redux, Webpack, Gulp, Grunt ► Design & Frontend:Bootstrap, MUI,Antd,Tailwindcss ► Databases & Storage: MongoDB, MySQL, Postgres ► Markup and Template Languages: HTML, CSS, EJS, Jade ► Testing Frameworks/Libraries: Protractor, Mocha, Jest, Sinon, Enzyme, Karma,Cypress.js ► Services And APIs: AWS, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Github, Instagram, Stripe ► Auth Frameworks/Libraries: JSON Web Tokens (JWT), OAuth 2.0, PassportJS ► Charts and Drawing: D3.js, Highcharts, Google Charts, Chart.js ► Maps: Google Maps, Open Street Maps, MapBox ► Public Clouds: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Azure Cloud, Digital Ocean, Firebase

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  • JavaScript
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Redux
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL