Eugene Yevhen H.
100% Job Success

PHP, WordPress Developer

I am experienced Ukraine-based web developer with an attitude to work of a field surgeon: I've seen a lot, never judge and get my work done :) You may come to me when everything is falling apart or when you could not establish a constructive dialogue with previous devs. I have enough expertise to reverse-engineer the existing code and continue work steadily. I value my clients highly, because my fees are on the higher end. But I assure you that you will get some of the best value for your money on the market. My skills include (but not limited to): - PHP/backend; - HTML/CSS/JS/jQuery; - WordPress (plugin development, various custom-logic implementation and so much more); - MySQL. Feel free to contact me with your request and I will be happy to find the most effective solution for you in a professional and friendly manner.

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  • WordPress
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • WooCommerce
  • API
  • MySQL Programming