Ayman A.

Mobile Development | Bootstrap, CSS 3, CSS, HTML, Ahrefs, iOS, C, Mud

Ever since I was a little kid, software development has been my passion. I still remember sitting in front of TV; watching the Social Network movie and becoming so intrigued by how lines of code can genuinely make a huge impact and even change the world. Two days later, I taught myself HTML and CSS and developed my first website at the age of 13. I was insatiable. This passion carried me to the point where I taught myself how to make IOS applications. I created over 800 apps until having my first successfully charted IOS application. After that, it was just a process of rinsing and repeating. Software Development will be a passion I'll forever cherish. There's undoubtedly yet more to learn, yet more problems to solve, and yet more to build. And for this, I am forever grateful I have the talent to do so. Specialties: Languages: Swift, JavaScript, Objective-C, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

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  • JavaScript
  • iOS
  • Product Development