Areeba S.
76% Job Success

UI/UX Expert, Graphic Design, Web & Mobile App Design

I am a UI/UX designer with over 8 years of web and mobile app designing experience. I'm an expert in designing prototypes of clients' desired needs and wants. My experience grants me speed, allowing me to finish some projects on time in few hours. I work very closely with my clients to ensure that the final product meets their required specifications. I'm passionate about every project I do, always try to work on clients' demands, using new technologies and techniques to make a better and unique product for every client. I always try to give my best to make my customer happy. :) Please feel free to contact me about every question or request.

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  • Adobe XD
  • Figma
  • Mockup
  • Responsive Design
  • UI/UX Prototyping
  • Mobile App Design
  • Prototyping