Md. Naimul Islam K.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Expert Web Developer | Django, Astro, Nextjs, Tailwindcss

I am a passionate and experienced Frontend Developer, who understands clients' expectations. You can rest assured that your requirements will be fulfilled with expertise and care. I prioritize on communication, speed and preciseness. I keep in touch with my clients to give them updates daily. If you need a frequent response from the web developer and want to get your project done at a fast pace, you have just come to the right person. My skills and expertise include: 🖥 Languages: Typescript, JavaScript, HTML, C++, Python 🎨 Styling Tools: Tailwindcss, Bootstrap v5, CSS/Sass, Material UI, Daisy UI ... 📚 Libraries / Frameworks: Reactjs, Next.js Astro Alpine.js, HTMX, react-query, apollo client, axios react-hook-form, react-use, next-mdx-remote, nookies, zustand ... 🎓 Others: Node.js, Django Strapi CMS, REST, GraphQL, ESLint (standard, airbnb), GraphQL Code Generator, Docker ... You can check out my previous works. I treat my clients' projects as my own project. I'm absolutely excited to find out more about my next project.

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  • JavaScript
  • Landing Page
  • Responsive Design
  • Website
  • Next.js
  • Web Application
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS