Sujoy R.
100% Job Success


I worked in Ruby, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C++, Java. Animation is another area of interest apart from pure programming. I built a 2d animation framework in Python, which can integrate blender for 3d rendering along with audio. I have used both Python and Node.js in Google Cloud Platform (Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, BigQuery, Google Cloud Function.) Python is my main strong area at present. I like it's easy structure and plethora of libraries scattered around Github and the easiness to build the needed library on demand. Moreover, when you want machine learning, it is hard to live without Python. In today's jungle of Javascript based single page client side web frameworks, Vuejs is providing tunnel of clean air and modular development. I believe it is going to take over other similar frameworks. In this scraping world, Chrome Extension is inevitable. If you need your special extension, I can help you out. Java is the only choice when it comes to Android, although JNI has opened up new avenues. Using Kivy and Buildozer you can make Python based program to run on Android. But from a theoretical point of view and in terms of performance Java is really interesting. Dart/Flutter is a good candidate when you want fast UI development and cross-platform mobile app, although at present I only work on Android. Being a programmer means to travel new path and stitch together ideas and organize them to execute to meet the unforeseen future. Languages come and go and evolve, brain neurons adjust themselves to use them to explore the universe and mind. Hope, we would make a great team. Looking forward for exciting and challenging tasks. (Note: I am a Linus Torvalds fan and 24/7 Ubuntu user)

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  • Python
  • Vue.js
  • Machine Learning