Muhammad A.
89% Job Success

Software Developer (Java & .NET)

Software Developer with extensive experience in creating high-quality C# & Java applications. Immensely proficient in several desktop GUI toolkits, web frameworks, libraries, and tools designed for Java and .NET environments, including JavaFX, Swing, Spring, WinForms, WPF, XAML, and ASP.NET. Thorough knowledge across a diverse spectrum of technologies, programming languages & design patterns around JVM/.NET platforms, empowering the creation of a wide range of solutions for various app domains. - C# Desktop GUIs: WinForms, WPF, Avalonia, Gtk#, MVVM, XAML - Java Desktop GUIs: JavaFX, Swing, AWT, SWT, FXML, LWJGL, Java2D - Web Frontend: Blazor, JSF, Vaadin, GWT, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap - IDEs / RCPs: Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans - Databases: SQL Server, EF Core, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, MySQL - Backend: ASP.NET Framework, Jakarta EE, Spring Framework - App Life Cycle: NuGet, Git, Maven, Gradle, JUnit, CI/CD, DevOps - Deployment: Installers, App store bundles, Cloud, Linux

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  • Java GUI
  • Swing
  • Jakarta EE
  • SWT
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Boot
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Java Collections Framework

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