Rommy S.
100% Job Success

Python, Big Data, Angularjs, Node.js,MVC, web api, C# expert

I always care about the people who will work after me on your project. You can always hire another developer instead of me and he will not have to rewrite all over again. My main goal is writing a code that can be supported by other developers. Good code solves only existing issues, without extra universality, doesn't contain anti-patterns and covered by tests to be able to evolve. (c) me Full-stack programmer. 12 years experience as Asp.Net backend programmer, 3 years of AngularJS development. Like to write clean OOP code with unit-tests. Can share information with startups about widely used (in other startups) services and technologies (sometimes it will help you save time and money). Technologies, apps and services I have experience with: SOA, REST, AngularJS, Asp.Net, Jasmine, Twitter Bootstrap, Yeoman, Grunt, UI.Router, AngularStrap, MySQL, Couchbase, MongoDB, AWS, PayPal, Stripe, AWS S3 (and lot of other APIs), Jira, Git, SVN, Agile, TDD... Unit-tests are essential for code evolution. There is no code without need to evolution. TDD helps to build modular and easy maintainable system. Time, spent to writing tests is much less than time that will be spent to debug. I like MVC and REST, have experience in writing REST API (even with OPTIONS method support and auto-generated Markdown documentation). Have experience with PayPal API, Amazon S3, Cloudflare, Mandrill, Nexmo and others. Very passionate to work with AngularJS, NodeJS, KnockoutJS I like and respect SOLID principles, hexagonal architecture, MVC pattern, and, especially, Separation of concerns.

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  • Grunt
  • jQuery
  • JavaScript
  • Transact-SQL
  • LINQ