Michelle D.

Customer Experience & Remote Workforce Development

Complexity is my comfort zone! I thrive on creating order out of chaos and resolving major business challenges with system and process improvements to increase efficiency and satisfaction. I am a solutions-oriented, creative problem solver, known for my superior communication strategies and keen business intuition. I have a genuine passion for remote work, and especially thrive in the fluid, fast paced environment of startups. I love leading; find great joy in brainstorming; am energized by wearing many hats; and find no greater satisfaction than exceeding my OKRs and KPIs! I am experienced in every aspect of building, implementing and managing a successful support department, from the ground floor, through full scale, having built and managed remote teams ranging in size from 2 to 200. My ability to recognize subtle social queues makes me an invaluable addition to people-centered teams and organizations, and gives me an advantage in my approach to establishing a strong culture, including team training and development. Whether the goal is to effortlessly and endlessly scale your operations, or develop a customer experience strategy that sets you apart from the pack, I bring diverse, committed experience and whole-hearted investment to every project I take on! Allow me to make your business my biggest passion!

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  • Zendesk
  • Business Operations
  • People Management
  • Recruiting
  • Project Management