Sher K.
90% Job Success
Top Rated

Financial Analyst | Senior Accountant | and Bookkeeping Wizard

Greetings! I'm a dedicated CPA and a Top Rated Seller on Upwork with a passion for steering small and medium enterprises towards financial excellence. With a forte in Bookkeeping and Financial Modeling, I specialize in empowering businesses to thrive. Bookkeeping Mastery: My expertise lies in QuickBooks and Xero, where I've seamlessly managed diverse client portfolios from the USA and Australia. From meticulous record-keeping to ensuring financial compliance, I provide tailored solutions for your unique business needs. Financial Modeling Pro: Utilizing advanced modeling techniques, I craft robust financial models to forecast, strategize, and optimize your business trajectory. Whether it's assessing investment opportunities or mapping growth strategies, I've got you covered. Client-Centric Approach: I prioritize your business goals, offering personalized services that align with your vision. My commitment goes beyond numbers; I'm here to be your strategic partner in financial success. Let's collaborate to streamline your financial operations and elevate your business to new heights. Get in touch today, and let's chart a course towards your business's financial triumph." Cheers!

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  • Excel Formula
  • Microsoft Excel PowerPivot
  • Google Sheets Automation
  • Google Sheets
  • Balance Sheet
  • Financial Statement
  • Financial Statements Preparation
  • Financial Report
  • Financial Projection
  • Data Analytics

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You will get your Pitch Deck Ready for Investors

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You will get Your Personal finance and Wealth Managed Properly

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You will get Financial Projections of your Business in Excel

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You will get Excel Template for your Businesses

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