Derek P.

Author/Advocate/Thought Leader

Dr. Derek L. Penwell is a progressive Christian minister, author, and educator whose work is driven by a deep commitment to creating inclusive communities of faith that embody the radical love and justice of Jesus Christ. With a passion for social justice, LGBTQ+ equality, and racial equity, Dr. Penwell seeks to inspire others to live out their faith in transformative ways, both within the church and in the broader world. As the Senior Minister at Douglass Boulevard Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky since 2008, Dr. Penwell has fostered a vibrant, welcoming congregation that is known throughout the region for its commitment to progressive theology, community engagement, and social activism. Under his leadership, the church has become a beacon of hope and a force for positive change, attracting diverse people from all walks of life who are seeking a more authentic and justice-oriented faith experience. In addition to his work as a minister, Dr. Penwell is a prolific author whose books and articles explore the challenges and opportunities facing progressive Christians in the modern world. His most recent books, "The Mainliner's Survival Guide to the Post-Denominational World" and "Outlandish: An Unlikely Messiah, a Messy Ministry, and the Call to Mobilize," offer insights and strategies for building thriving, inclusive communities of faith in an increasingly diverse and secular society. As an educator, Dr. Penwell has taught courses in religious studies, theology, and humanities at institutions like the University of Louisville and Bellarmine University. In the classroom, he challenges students to think critically about the role of religion in shaping our understanding of the world, and encourages them to engage with complex ideas across multiple disciplines. His own academic journey, which includes a Ph.D. in Humanities from the University of Louisville and a Doctor of Ministry from Lexington Theological Seminary, has equipped him with a deep understanding of the historical, philosophical, and theological foundations of the Christian faith. Throughout his career, Dr. Penwell has been recognized with numerous awards and honors for his academic achievements, teaching excellence, and contributions to the community. These include the Arts and Sciences Outstanding Student in the Humanities Ph.D. Program Award, the GLAD Alliance Rev. Michael Schloff Award, and the Chalice Press Award from Lexington Theological Seminary. At the heart of Dr. Penwell's work is a vision of a church that is fully engaged in the struggle for justice, compassion, and equality. By integrating the life of the mind with the wisdom of the soul, he seeks to equip others with the tools they need to become agents of hope and healing in a broken world, and to build communities of faith that truly reflect the boundless love of God for all people.


  • Teaching
  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Social Media Content
  • Adult Education
  • Research Paper Writing
  • Opinionated Tone
  • AI Content Creation
  • AI Content Editing
  • Leadership Skills