You will get 3 hours of 1:1 Mindset Coaching

Limba V.
Limba V. Limba V.
Top Rated

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Other Lifestyle services from Limba, priced and ready to go.

You will get 3 hours of 1:1 Mindset Coaching

Limba V.
Limba V. Limba V.
Top Rated

What's included $200

  • Delivery Time 30 days
  • Number of Revisions 0
30 days delivery — Jun 17, 2024
Revisions may occur after this date.
Upwork Payment Protection
Fund the project upfront. Limba gets paid once you are satisfied with the work.

Let a pro handle the details

Buy Other Lifestyle services from Limba, priced and ready to go.

Project details

You will get 3 sessions on building your mindset coaching where we will get the best out of you, and release all blockages for you to have the right mindset and achieve what you want in life.
We will use interesting and fun techniques and create stunning results. Rewire your brain, and align it with your soul desires and reframe your thoughts and patterns. We will work on your new you.
What's included $200 These options are included with the project scope.
  • Delivery Time 30 days
  • Number of Revisions 0

Frequently asked questions

34 reviews
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1% Complete
1% Complete
Rating breakdown


Albion S.
Nov 17, 2023
Limba has been an invaluable guide on my journey of self-discovery, providing me with personalized techniques to navigate and overcome underlying blocks. Her expertise allowed me to delve deep into the root causes of my challenges, unlocking a newfound understanding of myself.

Working with Limba has not only been transformative but has also paved the way for significant strides in both my professional and personal life. Her tailored approach and keen insights have been instrumental in propelling me forward on my chosen path.

I wholeheartedly recommend Limba to anyone seeking a mindset coach who goes beyond the surface, offering profound tools for self-discovery and growth. I highly recommend booking Limba for key sessions.
Limba V.

About Limba

Limba V.
Head of HR/ Performance Coach/Life &Executive Coach
100% Job Success
5.0  (34 reviews)
Limassol, Cyprus - 11:09 pm local time
Are you ready to turbocharge your success and propel your teams to new heights? Look no further because I'm not just a coach—I'm your ultimate accountability partner and performance driver. With my guidance, you'll achieve results that will leave you amazed and teams that perform beyond their wildest expectations. Together, we'll unlock your potential and take your success to the next level!

When it comes to coaching, I have a powerful system that will propel you forward and unlock your true potential. Here's a glimpse of the additional areas where I can help you shine:

✨ Hidden Family Dynamics: I'll guide you in uncovering and understanding the intricate dynamics that may be holding you back. Together, we'll overcome any barriers stemming from your family history and empower you to forge your own path. This can be applied to hidden dynamics that are stopping you from achieving the success you deserve in your business. With the use of Business Constellations and Systemic Work, we will build your success story.

✨ Working in Flow: If you find yourself stuck or experiencing a plateau, I'll help you tap into the state of flow where creativity, productivity, and fulfillment thrive. Say goodbye

When it comes to my other love HR Management and Teams Performance one of my key strengths lies in crafting powerful HR strategies that will revolutionize your organization. From recruitment and hiring to employee engagement and managing remote teams, I've got you covered. Say goodbye to the headaches of talent acquisition because I'll help you find top-notch talent in just a few simple steps, saving you both time and money. As your trusted partner, I'll even manage and run your Upwork profile ensuring you attract the best talent effortlessly.

But that's not all—I'm a master at creating customized coaching programs, both for individuals and teams. By leveraging proven strategies, I'll ignite your team's success and act as your personal performance coach. Together, we'll build a culture that aligns with your company values, fostering a team of motivated, happy employees who are dedicated to delivering outstanding results.

And let's talk about employer branding—specifically on LinkedIn. I'm a pro at crafting amazing strategies that generate organic followings and create engaged, viral posts. By leveraging Chat GPT and AI, we'll captivate your audience and showcase your company's unique personality.

As a trendsetter, I stay ahead of the game by incorporating the latest advancements in AI and Chat GPT into HR practices. This innovative approach allows us to harness the power of technology to enhance every aspect of your organization, from onboarding new hires with an exceptional first impression to designing outstanding training and team-building activities.

But wait, there's more! Here's a glimpse of what you can expect when working with me:

✓ I'll be your accountability body, pushing you to surpass your limits and achieve your goals.

✓ I'll help you create a winning culture that fosters employee loyalty and exceptional performance.

✓ Together, we'll craft an unbeatable employer branding strategy that sets you apart from the competition.

✓ With my expertise, your onboarding process will make a lasting impact on new team members.

✓ I'll unleash the power of team building through engaging and effective activities.

Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey with me? Let's revolutionize your success, transform your teams, and have some fun along the way! Reach out now, and let's make magic happen.

Steps for completing your project

After purchasing the project, send requirements so Limba can start the project.

Delivery time starts when Limba receives requirements from you.

Limba works on your project following the steps below.

Revisions may occur after the delivery date.

3 1:1 session 60 min long

Each session will cover a different aspect you need to work on. We will work on any blockages, patterns, and reframe your thoughts, work on your self-value, and check your roles in life. We will work on your mindset and energy field.

Review the work, release payment, and leave feedback to Limba.