We designed Project Catalog™ to help independent professionals like you pitch your most in-demand services to other businesses. We recently added five new features to make it easier for you to boost your visibility and make your services even more attractive.
Project Catalog gives potential clients a way to search for, browse, and instantly buy the projects they need most—as already planned by you. You determine the scope, cost, timeline, and process, then optimize your product description to get your project in front of as many potential clients as possible.
The newly released features provide more ways to build out your project description and give potential clients the information they need to find your service and make a decision. Let’s take a look!
While Project Catalog listings include a link to your portfolio, the built-in gallery allows you to curate your best work samples. Now, you can include a video to help represent your project.
The gallery can include up to 20 images and one video that fits within these parameters:
This feature has been in particularly high demand from professionals with video- and animation-related projects, where video can really bring your talent to life.
Project Catalog provides a clear scope of work upfront, with different tiers of services available for each project. But sometimes a project needs something more.
Now, you can add fixed-price add-ons. With these options, the scope and pricing are still defined but you give potential clients ways to customize the services they need before they buy your project.
You can use add-ons to help clients adjust the scope of work, upsize the deliverables, or include extra services. For example, a client could choose to add:
Sharing options have been added to each project. Quickly post about your services to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn—or copy the direct links to share your projects via correspondence. This makes it easier for you to leverage your existing contacts and clients to get more customers.
Upwork offers two ways to engage your services: The traditional marketplace, which is built around a proposal process, and Project Catalog.
To tie these options together, your Upwork profile will include a space where your active Project Catalog listings will be highlighted. So, if a potential client goes directly to your profile, they’ll see the range of services you offer and can choose the option that works best for their business.
Increase the relevance and searchability of your projects by adding search tags.
As part of the project creation process, Upwork will prompt you to add relevant information, such as the topics you can write about for your content-creation service. Then you can add tags, a great way to include unique details that aren’t already included.
Add tags you think clients will look for—the more specific the better. You can add up to five tags using suggested keywords from Upwork’s database or by adding new keywords that are relevant to your work.
The latest Project Catalog features are designed to help you put your best foot forward—so we want to give you a little time to get to know them first.
You’ll have two weeks to set up your new add-ons, upload videos, and optimize with search tags before they go live in the client experience.
It’s our way of making sure you feel confident about every project you create—and always ready to provide the kind of stellar service you’re known for.
These new features are part of our efforts to help you grow your business on Upwork. Ready to put them into action? Sign into your account to get started!