When communicating between businesses, clients, customers, and manufacturers about the needs and specifications of any product, it is important to understand exactly how each aspect meets or fails to meet its designed functions. Acceptance testing is the process by which a client or customer assesses the performance of a product from his or her need-based external viewpoint. This type of testing differs from internal product testing and development in that it is defined and performed by the customer. ROBOT is a generic framework tool developed specifically for acceptance test-driven development of software products. If your company is engaging in business with a software developer or software development firm, and you have agreed upon acceptance test standards, then working with a ROBOT developer or programmer is a powerful way to help automate and optimize your software acceptance tests.
ROBOT framework developers and programmers are highly skilled technicians with a background in performing acceptance tests on products as well as expertise in the programming language Python. A ROBOT developer can help you take acceptance test protocols and make them more efficient and user-friendly for you and your company. A ROBOT programmer can use the framework to create keyword-driven acceptance tests, which will help you assess any software product you are purchasing or providing. Both developers and programmers are capable of generating and providing acceptance test resources and knowledge for any size of project. Working with a ROBOT developer or programmer is a cost-effective way to guarantee that the right products and standards are agreed upon and delivered when communicating software needs between you and your customers.