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PHP vs. JavaScript: Comparing Strengths and Weaknesses

Take the time to understand PHP and JavaScript languages and choose the right technology for your project.

PHP vs. JavaScript: Comparing Strengths and Weaknesses
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Comparing PHP and JavaScript is no longer as simple as comparing apples to oranges. Whereas past comparisons of PHP vs. JavaScript might have included “PHP is for the back end and JavaScript is for the front end,” new advances in JavaScript have brought it to the forefront in back-end development, making the conversation around PHP vs. JavaScript far more complex.

If your small business needs a developer but you’re not sure which type of professional is right for your needs, this article will cover:

What is PHP?

PHP stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor” and is a general-purpose, server-side scripting language, meaning that it runs on the web server instead of in a web browser like Google Chrome. It’s a recursive acronym much in the spirit of GNU (“GNU’s Not Unix”) to reflect its open-source nature. Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf authored the first two versions of the language and co-authored future versions as part of a team.

A scripting language is a language interpreted by the host computer line by line. This is in contrast to compiled languages whose lines of code are converted entirely into machine code from top to bottom before any single line of that code can run.

Compiled languages generally run much faster than interpreted languages, but they are more difficult to debug because you can’t simply change a line of code and then immediately execute that particular script again without first running the code through a compiler. As a result, scripting languages lend themselves to much faster development times than compiled languages.

This has made PHP an incredibly popular language for web development and it’s the language chosen by many major platforms on the web today, such as WordPress, Drupal, Wikipedia, and others. In its crudest form, PHP is extremely easy for beginners to pick up, although its more advanced features require a bit more study.

What is JavaScript?

Until 2009, JavaScript was only a client-side scripting language, meaning it ran only in the browser. With the advent of Node.js—a server-side runtime environment that allows JavaScript to run on a web server—it’s now possible to run server-side JavaScript code to create dynamic webpages much in the way that PHP is used today.

JavaScript is extremely lightweight, is widely used, and has enormous support in the open-source community. There are multiple libraries and frameworks available, such as React.js, Angular.js, jQuery, and others that make building robust web applications with JavaScript extremely fast.

JavaScript and PHP are C-style languages, so they share many similarities in their syntax. This is in contrast to a language like Python, whose syntax is quite different.

JavaScript has a slightly larger learning curve than PHP, although beginners can pick up the most essential aspects rather easily, especially if they have a background in one of the C-style languages.

PHP vs. JavaScript: Key differences

PHP JavaScript
Server-side scripting Yes Node.js allows this; otherwise, no.
Executes within the browser No Yes
Database integration Yes, natively Using Node.js, can be made to integrate with a variety of databases. Express.js simplifies it further.
Case sensitivity Yes and no. Some language elements are case-sensitive while others are not. This can lead to unexpected bugs. Yes
Universality Cross-platform, back end only Cross-platform, back end and front end (full stack)
Threading Technically speaking, it allows multi-threading, but this is rarely used. Adding multi-threading capabilities in the back end can greatly complicate code, and another language might be better suited for these types of tasks, such as C++. Single-threaded, but Node.js can often handle more requests than multi-threaded applications due to its unique concurrency model.
Objects and arrays Different entities Arrays are just another type of object and share many properties. Objects and arrays are interchangeable and can be referred to using either syntax (objects or arrays).
Performance Slower than JavaScript Faster than PHP
Most suitable for Blogs, learning management systems (LMS), e-commerce websites that already have extensive PHP coding behind them Anything (large projects)

Server-side vs. client-side scripting

JavaScript used to be strictly a client-side scripting language, running only in the browser. In 2009, though, open-source software engineer Ryan Dahl created the open-source project Node.js, which allows JavaScript to run on the web server. To do this, he packaged Google Chrome’s JavaScript execution engine—the v8 engine, which is also the fastest JavaScript execution engine around—and wrapped it in a C++ executable, calling it Node.exe.

This ingenious idea revolutionized web development and the dynamic creation of HTML pages, making JavaScript a front-runner in the world of server-side web development.

Executing within browser

PHP, like other server-side languages, such as Java and Python, can’t execute within the browser.

Browser-side code is an essential aspect of web apps today, and there are virtually no websites around—except for “flat” websites with zero functionality—that don’t utilize some form of browser-side scripting. Browser-side scripting allows for dynamic page changes without having to make a new full-page request to the server. This makes client-side scripts vital for responsive websites.

Because code that runs in the web browser is so essential to modern web apps, it means that any programmer will need to know JavaScript regardless of the back-end language they choose for their project.

Database integration

Through Node.js, back-end JavaScript can be used to connect to a wide variety of databases, including MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and others. Using the web application framework Express.js, it’s possible to quickly and easily add the necessary libraries to a Node.js project to make it capable of connecting with an underlying data store.

PHP has libraries to connect to MySQL. It can also connect to other databases via third-party libraries, although this isn’t widely practiced.

Case sensitivity

PHP is unique among programming languages in that function names aren’t case-sensitive, whereas variables and constants are. This can lead to unexpected (and frustrating) bugs. However, everything in JavaScript is case-sensitive.


PHP is used solely as a back-end development language. PHP code is interpreted on a web server, such as the Apache HTTP Server—which can run on both Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems—and the result of the interpreted code is sent in a response to the client that made the request. PHP can send the resulting content in any format, such as HTML, plain text, XML, or even binary.

JavaScript has graduated to a full-stack language as a result of Node.js, running both on web servers and web browsers. So, it’s now possible to engage in complex server-side software development using JavaScript alone.

Theoretically, it’s possible to create blogs, content management systems (CMS), or another type of server-side software using JavaScript. This typically isn’t done, though, because well-established PHP platforms for such systems already exist. If Node.js had been around when these projects were first established, their creators might indeed have written them in JavaScript instead.


PHP supports multi-threading, while JavaScript doesn’t. However, because of the way Node.js has been put together, the point is moot. Node.js can process code much faster overall compared to PHP.

As far as client-side multi-threading goes, PHP can’t run on the browser, so JavaScript’s lack of multi-threading capabilities here is irrelevant.

Supporting objects and arrays interchangement

In JavaScript, objects and arrays are virtually interchangeable, and the same syntax can be used for each. Arrays are just a special type of object in JavaScript. In PHP, though, objects and arrays are completely different and each has its own specific syntax.

JavaScript doesn’t have associative arrays, making its array code slightly more cryptic than PHP. In PHP, one can have the following:

$persons[“Peter”] = 35

This would be an array of ages of persons. In JavaScript, one only has numeric keys for arrays:

persons[0] = 35

There are workarounds in JavaScript for this lack of support.

Performance and speed

Node.js is faster than PHP. Node.js works on a non-blocking I/O principle based on an event queue that can handle multiple requests at the same time. Node.js’s concurrency model maximizes the web server’s CPU and memory. Even though Node.js is single-threaded, this concurrency model allows it to handle more concurrent requests than many multi-threaded servers.

Because of this, Node.js is an excellent choice for real-time apps.

What are PHP and JavaScript suitable for?

Because JavaScript vs. PHP conversations no longer equate to apples vs. oranges, the answer to which types of projects are best suited to PHP or JavaScript is no longer as clear-cut.

These days, JavaScript can be used to create anything that PHP can because of Node.js. So, why reinvent the wheel? WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, WooCommerce, and countless other well-established projects with enormous open-source communities behind them are written in PHP. It makes little sense to go and rewrite one of these platforms in JavaScript just because you can.

In this respect, JavaScript better lends itself to new projects that have to be developed from scratch, and PHP better lends itself to projects that already have a strong code base and community support behind them.

When to choose PHP or JavaScript

Several factors come into play when determining whether JavaScript or PHP is better for your project. These factors might include the type of project, how much of it has already been developed, how much community support there is for the platform you’re using, and how many code libraries exist to speed up development.

Below are some common scenarios to help determine whether to choose JavaScript or PHP for your next project.

Choosing PHP

Developing a blog or e-commerce website

Because of the well-established PHP-based platforms that already exist for blogging and e-commerce sites, it makes more sense to choose PHP over JavaScript in these scenarios.

For example, WordPress powers over 30% of the web. It has an enormous community behind it. Part of WordPress’s popularity is its extensibility—users and companies can create their own plugins that literally “plug in” to the WordPress core functionality. These plugins are written in PHP only. Whereas JavaScript and Ajax are often used as part of the plugin, strong knowledge of PHP is essential when developing these plugins.

Using LAMP technologies

Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) is a popular solution stack for developing web applications. Wide support, excellent tutorials, and an extensive community are all available for such projects. If your web application already depends extensively on LAMP, PHP might be the best choice for your project.

Choosing Javascript

Developing a single-page app

Single-page applications (SPAs) are extremely fast applications that don’t make full-page HTTP round trips to the server for every request. As a result, SPAs provide a smooth and fluid user experience.

Content on SPAs is updated using Ajax, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax calls are a way to obtain raw data from a web server instead of the generated HTML and CSS without having to make a full HTTP-request round trip. The received data is then manipulated in the browser using JavaScript code to update the user interface and other elements on the page.

A popular framework for building SPAs is Angular.js.

Building a real-time app

Real-time apps are apps that function with a speed that the user perceives to be immediate or close to immediate. JavaScript is essential for developing real-time apps because the code runs in the browser, saving a trip to the server. It’s also an excellent choice for server-side code because Node.js processes requests a lot faster than PHP.

Building a large project with extensive data load

Projects that require extensive data loads are best dealt with asynchronously using Ajax to pull data from the server bit by bit, updating the user interface incrementally as the data arrives.

When using PHP, all the data needs to be processed and collected on the server before the user sees a change in the browser, making the app feel sluggish and unresponsive.

Need help? Hire an independent PHP or JavaScript developer

Independent PHP and JavaScript developers who work full time on web development are an excellent choice for working on either PHP or JavaScript web apps. Their rates are generally lower than full-scale agencies while the quality of their work is often on par, if not better, due to the personal touch and individual attention they can bring to projects.

Upwork has a wide choice of independent JavaScript and PHP developers available for hire to start on your next PHP or JavaScript project.

Upwork is not affiliated with and does not sponsor or endorse any of the tools or services discussed in this section. These tools and services are provided only as potential options, and each reader and company should take the time needed to adequately analyze and determine the tools or services that would best fit their specific needs and situation.

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PHP vs. JavaScript: Comparing Strengths and Weaknesses
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