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Check out a sample of the 17 AR/VR Designers jobs posted on Upwork
Experience level
Job Description: We are seeking a skilled and creative 3D Artist to join our team on a project-by-project basis. If you have a passion…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
We are looking for an expert who can help in development of various VR effects for different types of exercise and yoga. There will be…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
We are seeking a visual professional and video editor to help us create a 360(degree) video to accompany an audio meditation. This me…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
Looking to re-create the Cartoon Clarity filter without the lights (see image 'm') in TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. To app…
Experience level
Hi! I would like the 3D modeling of two "Alien Faces" as attached. They need to be animated also. After having both faces I need a Tik…
Experience level
I need two 3D models as attached. (Its really one with two different colors) They need to work perfectly for a Tik Tok Face Swap Filter…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
I would like to create a screen in front of an exhibition show stand where I can provide visitors to the stand with VR glasses and they…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
Less than 1 month
Experience level
I have a pretty short but time sensitive task I could use some help with. I am trying to prepare a VR art gallery exhibition experience…
Less than 30 hrs/week
Hours needed
1 to 3 months
Experience level
We are looking for a skilled Snapchat Lens Studio developer to recreate 2 specific 'distortion' type Instagram filters using Snapchat L…
Experience level
We are seeking a skilled developer to create an augmented reality (AR) virtual try-on model for our clothing application. The model sho…
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